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To write currente calamo for the mere pastime of author and readers, without aiming to inculcate some regenerative principle, or to photograph some valuable phase of protean truth, was in her estimation ignoble; for her high standard demanded that all books should be to a certain extent didactic, wandering like evangels among the people, and making some man, woman, or child happier, or wiser, or better more patient or more hopeful by their utterances.

The agitation continued during 1806; and in 1807, just after the death of Fox, the slave trade was abolished in Great Britain. The abolitionists went straight ahead, however, to attack slavery itself. The Anti-slavery Society was founded. Clarkson and Wilberforce and Buxton became the evangels of a new order that was seen far off.

When the young men, who looked for him to say otherwhat, heard this, they all made mock of him and said, 'Thou gullest us, as if we knew not the Cadgers, even as thou dost. 'By the Evangels, replied Scalza, 'I gull you not; nay, I speak the truth, and if there be any here who will lay a supper thereon, to be given to the winner and half a dozen companions of his choosing, I will willingly hold the wager; and I will do yet more for you, for I will abide by the judgment of whomsoever you will. Quoth one of them, called Neri Mannini, 'I am ready to try to win the supper in question'; whereupon, having agreed together to take Piero di Fiorentino, in whose house they were, to judge, they betook themselves to him, followed by all the rest, who looked to see Scalza lose and to make merry over his discomfiture, and recounted to him all that had passed.

"Mother!" said Will, who was inconveniently intelligent, "who be Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Doth it mean Luke Dobbs, and Father?" Mr Flint indulged himself in a quiet laugh. "Nay, dear heart!" answered his mother. "Those be the holy Apostles, that writ the Evangels." "What be the Evangels, Mother?" "Did ever one see such a lad to put questions?" demanded Mistress Flint.

But let no one imagine a resemblance between the prior of St. Victor and the great rebels his contemporaries, Luther, Zwinglius, and Calvin. Like them he was one of the learned men of his time; like them he learned to read the Evangels, and saw their light disengage itself from the trembling gleams of tradition; but beyond that he has nothing in common with them.

From afar came the sound of voices of street evangels singing hymns on a corner. The soul of George Hazlitt grew sick. Night hands fastened themselves about his throat. Upside down ... heels in air. The things he had said to the jury were lies. Lies and disorder. Right and wrong. God in heaven, what were they, if not right and wrong?

Attributed indifferently to each of the Twelve, one was ascribed to Judas. There was a Gospel to the Hebrews, a Gospel to the Egyptians. There were evangels of Childhood, of Perfection and of Mary. These primitive memoirs were based on oral accounts of occurrences long anterior.

"I will give you half an hour, but as I live, I will leave you hanging there." The man's brown hand trembled as he clutched his rifle barrel. "'Tis a hard country, sir," he said. "I'm lost. I swear it on the evangels." "A hard country!" cried Clark. "A man would have to walk over it but once to know it. I believe you are a damned traitor and perjurer, in spite of your oath, a British spy."