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Ernescliffe thinks he has for papa always turns away the conversation if his name is mentioned! I wish you would explain it, mamma; I can't bear that." "If I can," said Mrs. May, rather pleased that Margaret had taken on herself this vindication of her favourite brother her father's expense.

Averil would have rushed to Mary with the whole story, but for Leonard's solemn asseveration that if ever it came to the ears of any one of the Mays, he should send back his rifle to Mr. Ernescliffe, and work his way out to one of the colonies rather than again look any of the family in the face.

Ernescliffe could tell the young gentleman. The man's tone, though neither insolent nor tyrannical, but rather commendatory of his charge, contrasting with his natural deference to the two gentlemen, irritated poor Aubrey beyond measure, so that Hector was really glad to have him safe away, without his having said anything treasonable to the authorities.

Hector Ernescliffe discovered a jackdaw's nest in the chimney, whereupon the whole train rushed off to investigate, leaving the two doctors and Ethel standing together in the empty parlour, Dr. May pressing, Dr. Spencer raising desultory objections; but so evidently against his own wishes, that Ethel said, "Now, indeed, you must not disappoint us all." "No," said Dr. May, "it is a settled thing."

Hoxton stood for the other godmother, and Alan Ernescliffe was desired to consider himself absolutely her sponsor, not merely a proxy. The younger children alone were to go with them: it was too far off, and the way lay too much through the town for it to be thought proper for the others to go.

Harry followed him out of the room, to arrange their journey, and presently returned. "He says he is glad he has seen Margaret; he says she is the right sort of stuff for Mr. Ernescliffe." Harry had not intended Margaret to hear, but she caught the words, smiled radiantly, and whispered, "I wish I may be!"

May, he would be eaten first, though he reckoned they would find him a tougher morsel. I don't think Owen was sorry he volunteered, and no words can tell what a blessing the good old fellow was to us both. "So there we stayed, and, at first, Mr. Ernescliffe seemed mending.

"And you got this beautiful 'Lyra Innocentium' for me? How very kind of you, Norman. It is just what I wished for. Such lovely binding and those embossed edges to the leaves. Oh! they make a pattern as they open! I never saw anything like it." "I saw such a one on Miss Rivers's table, and asked Ernescliffe where to get one like it. See, here's what my father gave me."

Ernescliffe manages him very well used to illness on that African coast, and the doctor is very fond of him. As to Miss May, one can't tell what to say about her yet there's no fracture, at least it must be a work of time to judge." Flora at that moment half-opened the door, and called Mr. Ward, stopping for a moment to say it was for nothing of any consequence. Mr.

"I would never have gone if they had not made me." "Made you?" said Norman, disdainfully, "how?" "They would have thrashed me they pinched my fingers in the box they pulled my ears oh, don't " "Poor little fellow!" said Norman; "but it is your own fault. If you won't keep with me, or Ernescliffe, of course they will bully you. But I must not let you off I must keep my word!"