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In spite of the falling rain, which had somewhat lessened, he took a small valise in his hand, and, leaving the remainder of his luggage at the inn, ascended the hills towards East Endelstow. This place lay in a vale of its own, further inland than the west village, and though so near it, had little of physical feature in common with the latter.

The young man who had inspired her with such novelty of feeling, who had come directly from London on business to her father, having been brought by chance to Endelstow House had, by some means or other, acquired the privilege of approaching some lady he had found therein, and of honouring her by petits soins of a marked kind, all in the space of half an hour.

'Now, we will go and get some breakfast. 'No, no! she begged. 'I cannot eat. I MUST get back to Endelstow. Elfride was as if she had grown years older than Stephen now. 'But you have had nothing since last night but that cup of tea at Bristol. 'I can't eat, Stephen. 'Wine and biscuit? 'No. 'Nor tea, nor coffee? 'No. 'A glass of water? 'No.

We shall only be in town a week or two longer. 'Let me see. I've got to run up to Oxford to-morrow, where I shall be for several days; so that I must, I fear, lose the pleasure of seeing you in London this year. 'Then come to Endelstow; why not return with us? 'I am afraid if I were to come before August I should have to leave again in a day or two.

Launce's, the market town and railway station nearest to Endelstow, and the place from which Stephen Smith had journeyed over the downs on the, to him, memorable winter evening at the beginning of the same year. The carrier's van was so timed as to meet a starting up-train, which Stephen entered.

They were now on an open table-land, whose altitude still gave her a view of the sea by Endelstow. She looked longingly at that spot. During this little revulsion of feeling Pansy had been still advancing, and Elfride felt it would be absurd to turn her little mare's head the other way. 'Still, she thought, 'if I had a mamma at home I WOULD go back!

And he told how a village woman named Jethway was the only person who recognized them, either going or coming; and how dreadfully this terrified Elfride. He told how he waited in the fields whilst this then reproachful sweetheart went for her pony, and how the last kiss he ever gave her was given a mile out of the town, on the way to Endelstow. These things Stephen related with a will.

Two miserable men are wandering in the darkness up the miles of road from Camelton to Endelstow. 'Has she broken her heart? said Henry Knight. 'Can it be that I have killed her? I was bitter with her, Stephen, and she has died! And may God have NO mercy upon me! 'How can you have killed her more than I?

They had reached a point at which the road branched into two just outside the west village, one fork of the diverging routes passing into the latter place, the other stretching on to East Endelstow. Having come some of the distance by the footpath, they now found that the hearse was only a little in advance of them. 'I fancy it has turned off to East Endelstow. Can you see? 'I cannot.

The next day two men walked up the familiar valley from Castle Boterel to East Endelstow Church. And when the funeral was over, and every one had left the lawn-like churchyard, the pair went softly down the steps of the Luxellian vault, and under the low-groined arches they had beheld once before, lit up then as now.