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And the gazelle answered: 'I am come with this diamond, which is a pledge from my master the Sultan Darai. He has heard you have a daughter, and sends you this small token, and begs you will give her to him to wife. And the sultan said: 'I am content. The wife is his wife, the family is his family, the slave is his slave. Let him come to me empty-handed, I am content.

"God knows how I love her, how I care for her happiness. But to go to her empty-handed, but to put myself in the position of being kept by a woman, God knows how impossible it is." Maria Dolores stood up, still looking away from him. "Well, let us hope," she said, changing her tone to one of unconcerned detachment, "that we have been discussing baseless suppositions.

He therefore considered that if Rot Jarma should appear for the first time before me empty-handed, I should either not admit him, or perhaps be prejudiced against him; thus he had stolen the customary gift of introduction in order to create ill-will on my part towards Rot Jarma, who had never yet condescended to visit the station of Abou Saood . . . . .

But they returned at evening empty-handed, and as truly crestfallen as if they had indeed expected to bring home a bag of fifty tigers. One man presented me with a dead owl the same, I think, which we had startled on the day before, as if to show that their display had not been quite in vain. 'No tigers! sighed the sheykh, as though his heart were broken.

Empty-handed we would turn from the wood post and steam a mile or so farther up the river, where we would run into a bank, and a boy with a steel hawser would leap overboard and tie up the boat to the roots of a tree. Then all the boys would disappear into the jungle and attack the primeval forest. Each was supplied with a machete and was expected to furnish a bras of wood.

I am not superstitious, but I swear that I felt ill at ease and confused in my plans. On bended knee I had sworn to my lady that I would bring back to her the fugitive unharmed, and I would never return to her empty-handed, confessing failure. Michael's queer behaviour disconcerted me.

"As I am not acquainted with the young lady I don't know how that might be." "And if I took her so, I should have to take her empty-handed." "Which wouldn't suit; would it?" "It wouldn't suit for her, whose comforts and happiness are much more to me than my own." "No doubt! Of course you are terribly in love." "Very thoroughly in love, I think, I am." "For the tenth time, I should say."

This point was but just settled when the merchants appeared alongside with an abatement in their charges for taking care of the Confederate treasure; but the chance was gone, and they were compelled to return as empty-handed as they had come. Meanwhile, the authorities ashore had been bestirring themselves to prevent any violation of the neutrality of their port.

For twenty-five days it was besieged by Islam, says the chronicler, until God put terror into the hearts of the Jews, and they were reduced to sore straits. Then they offered to depart as the Kainukaa had departed, empty-handed, with neither gold nor cattle, into a strange land.

In the first place I knew that it would not do for me to return to the Indian village empty-handed. My ill-considered and unauthorized foray having resulted in defeat and disaster, I could not expect a very cordial reception on my return, unless I performed some very daring feat in making my escape, or returned with a more than ordinary share of booty.