United States or Aruba ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

These sounds are occasionally of the weirdest and most hair-raising quality; and while the startled listener may possibly have heard it asserted, time and again, by superior persons, that they emanate from sea birds, or from fish, he is perfectly satisfied that neither sea birds nor fish have ever been known to emit such sounds in the daytime, and the strain of superstition within him awakes and whispers all sorts of uncanny suggestions, the sea bird and fish theory being rejected with scorn.

From the residence which I have chosen, and from the Ministers of the Emperor, will emanate the only orders which you can acknowledge. Every town in the power of foreigners ceases to be free, and every order which may proceed from them is the language of the enemy, or that which it suits his hostile views to propagate. You will be faithful to your oaths.

"For my own part," he continued, "I have done what depended upon me. From your own royal hand must emanate the rest; men, namely, sufficient to maintain the posts, and money enough to support them there." He expressed himself in the strongest language concerning the danger to the royal cause from the weak and gradually sinking condition of the army.

"I don't know what you meant; but please tell me what you want me to believe, because I believe everything I am told. I am so naive." "You naive! You are the most blasee person I ever met." "I blasee! I! What an idea!" Such an idea could only emanate from a poet's brain with an extra-poetical poet's license.

As often as not, the loudest talk, the cheeriest chaff, the most spontaneous laughter, emanate from the blue-clad stalwarts who have mustered from the "D" Block wards. "D" Block contains the wards for eye-wound cases. Here they come, a string of them, mostly with bandages round their heads. Tramp, tramp! Their tread is purposely thunderous on the bare boards of the corridor.

But these good people do not dwell upon such considerations; they think solely of my personal glory, as if we ought to desire credit for ourselves, and not rather ascribe all to God, who works in us whatever good seems to emanate from us. "Now, according to the spirit of the Gospel, so far from its being right to depend upon the applause of the world, St.

At this juncture Flo returned to the room, and again Carley was struck with the girl's singular freedom of movement and the sense of sure poise and joy that seemed to emanate from her presence. "I've made a fire in your little stove," she said. "There's water heating. Now won't you come up and change those traveling clothes. You'll want to fix up for Glenn, won't you?"

Thereby it becomes a man, i. e., a rational animal, distinguished from all other animals, and similar to the nature of the angels. The Active Intellect causes its light to emanate upon the rational soul, thus bringing its powers out into actuality. The Active Intellect, which is one of the ten degrees of angels, is related to the rational power in man as the sun to the power of sight.

Sir, these orders emanate and this information comes from officers acting by presidential authority, and yet the President tells us there is no danger of conflicting legislation." After having answered other objections of the President, Mr. Trumbull said: "I have now gone through this Veto Message, replying with what patience I could command to its various objections to the bill.

Would it not be as well, and my ideas are positive on this score, to avail ourselves of the present time, when riches and honours still reign, to establish in the immediate vicinity of our ancestral tombs, a large number of farms, cottages, and estates, in order to enable the expenditure for offerings and grants to entirely emanate from this source?