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Updated: August 25, 2024

"Do you, indeed?" said I, trying to look grave. "Yes; it is papa." "Papa, Kriss Kringle! How can that be?" "Oh, we know! We found out!" "Indeed!" And we, made, of course, a great wonder of this assertion. The merry elves! What a happy Christmas it was for them. Ever since, they have dated from the time when they found out who Kriss Kringle was.

There had been a busy time in the North Pole workshop of Santa Claus that day, for it was getting near to Christmas. The little men, like elves, who built the Noah's Arks, the toy animals, the dolls, and the other playthings, had been as busy as bees.

He threw himself wearily upon the grass, not heeding that he had chosen his couch within a little mossy circle known as a "fairy's ring." Wild Robin knew that the country people would say the fays had pressed that green circle with their light feet. He had heard all the Scottish lore of brownies, elves, will-o'-the-wisps, and the strange water-kelpies, who shriek with eldritch laughter.

Never had the court of France thought itself so absolutely absurd, and never had the children of that famous court enjoyed themselves so much. They played all sorts of games about the dignified people scattered over the grounds, until the latter were quite ready to believe that the days of elves and fairies had really returned. The boy Marquis de Lafayette led the revels.

Fox, and there was much rejoicing and dancing; and if they have not left off, they are dancing still. 39 The Elves A shoemaker, by no fault of his own, had become so poor that at last he had nothing left but leather for one pair of shoes.

The thought pleased the good cobbler very much; and one evening, when all the things were ready, they laid them on the table, instead of the work that they used to cut out, and then went and hid themselves, to watch what the little elves would do.

She had often seen the northern lights, but never any so brilliant as these. Everyone seemed charged with the electricity, and little Karen said softly, "I never felt so strange before. The lights go up and down my back to the tip of my toes." "It is the elves of light dancing round the room," said Birger with a laugh. "No," said Gerda, "it is the Tomtar playing with the electric wires."

To me in my childhood, elves and fairies of all sorts were very real things, and my dolls were as really children as I was myself a child.

But how about that thing inside of him, which seemed to be a live creature gnawing away, and which only something to eat would quiet? Finally, he came to a stern resolve. He started out, ready to face two whippings, rather than one death by starvation. But he did not have to go home yet, for at the cave's mouth, he met two elves, who delivered a most welcome message.

Then spake Arthur, noblest of kings: "Howel, mine own relative, dearest to me of men, listen to my words, of a much greater wonder that I will tell to thee in my sooth speech. By this lake's end, where this water floweth, is a certain little lake, to the wonder of men! It is in length four-and-sixty palms; it is in measure in breadth five-and-twenty feet; five feet it is deep, elves it dug!

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