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There it became something of an express, and leaving Lambeth Bridge at seven-eleven, should not stop again until it fetched Swanstead on Thames, eleven miles out, at seven-thirty-four. Then it stopped on and off from Swanstead to Ingerfield, the terminus of that branch, which it reached at eight-five." Hutchins nodded, and then, remembering, said: "That's right, sir."

Your mother used to be very dear to me, but I don't know why she doesn't write to me now. I have never seen her since her marriage. It seems strange to think of her as the mother of eight-five boys and three girls, is it not?" Miss Beecham had piloted me through a wide hall and along an extended passage out of which a row of bedrooms opened, into one of which we went.

He admires the way you look and act and talk. I suspect him of trying to imitate you." Helen's eyes gleamed with amusement. Darrow smiled his slow and languid smile. "The last time I saw Jack he stood six feet and weighed about one hundred and eight-five pounds," he pointed out. "The imitation is funny," admitted Helen, "but based on genuine admiration."

I thought I would make one more effort to get some conversation out of this being. "Have you called the Reverend, or are " "Yes s'r!" "Is it early, or is " "Eight-five." "Do you have to do all the 'chores, or is there somebody to give you a " "Colored girl." "Is there only one parish in this island, or are there " "Eight!" "Is the big church on the hill a parish church, or is it "

'Oh, Vincy, I think you're very sweet to me, but how late dare I get back to Ravenscourt Park? 'Why not miss the eight-five train? then you'll catch the quarter to ten and get back at about eleven. 'Which would you rather I did? 'Well, need you ask? 'I don't know, Vincy. I have a curious feeling sometimes. I believe you're rather glad when I've gone relieved!

Hitt, and I agreed that it would not be lawful or right for us to accept any compensation for our services as members of the commission. Something like eight-five thousand dollars reverted to the Treasury. We returned and made our report to Congress, and the bill which we recommended was enacted. I do not think the present form of government of Hawaii will be changed for many years to come.

"Well, the outside rooms was one hundred and twenty-five dollars and the inside room, was eight-five dollars," Abe explained; "so I took an inside room because the light wouldn't come in and wake me up so early in the morning, Mawruss, and forty dollars is as good to me as it is to them suckers what runs the steamboat company. Ain't it?"