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The coats of mail and greaves of the Knights of Malta, and the armor from the Tower exhibited at the Eglinton tournament, may be considered decisive as to the greater size attained by modern civilized men. At Maila we spent a Sunday with Kaisa, the head man of a village of Mashona, who had fled from the iron sway of Mosilikatse, whose country lies east of this.

As might be supposed, he had not much time for society, but he met a few old friends, made acquaintance with Kemble and Kean, went to a ball at Almack's, and was present at the famous Eglinton Tournament, which watery catastrophe he described for his paper. One of the most interesting of his new acquaintances was Thackeray, then chiefly renowned as a writer for the magazines.

Finding that despite all the influence brought to bear upon it the Boycott Brigade was actually going to invade Lough Mask, I came from Galway to-day by the route preferred by Mr. Boycott himself, just before I met him and Mrs. Boycott herding sheep more than a fortnight ago. The steam packet Lady Eglinton conveyed an oddly assorted freight. Among the passengers were Mrs.

Mummed in names: A. E., eon: Magee, John Eglinton. East of the sun, west of the moon: Tir na n-og. Booted the twain and staved. How many miles to Dublin? Three score and ten, sir. Will we be there by candlelight? Mr Brandes accepts it, Stephen said, as the first play of the closing period. Does he? What does Mr Sidney Lee, or Mr Simon Lazarus as some aver his name is, say of it?

For his mother, as all the world knows, was Helen Sheridan, one of the three famous daughters of Tom Sheridan, the dramatist's only son. Mrs. Norton, the innocent heroine of the Melbourne divorce suit, was one of his aunts, and the "Queen of Beauty" at the Eglinton Tournament then Lady Seymour, afterward Duchess of Somerset was the other.

Eglinton, the curate, next." "This I know," says her father, slapping me on the shoulder, "this I know, that you are content to see Richard without primping." "But I have known Richard since I was six," says she. "Richard is one of the family. There is no need of disguise from him." I thought, ruefully enough, that it seemed my fate to be one of the family everywhere I went.

Mr. Eglinton, late P.M. in Brisbane, then held a similar appointment at Boulia. A race meeting, which included a hurdle race, was being held. In this race all the horses baulked at the jumps and delayed the running. It was then decided to let the races wait while the visitors had lunch, etc. The judge joined our party. It was a hot day, even for Boulia; refreshments were generous, and in demand.

No sir smile neighbour shall covet his ox or his wife or his manservant or his maidservant or his jackass. Or his jennyass, Buck Mulligan antiphoned. Gentle Will is being roughly handled, gentle Mr Best said gently. Which will? gagged sweetly Buck Mulligan. We are getting mixed. The will to live, John Eglinton philosophised, for poor Ann, Will's widow, is the will to die. Requiescat!

Henri II expired the same night in a bedchamber of the Palais des Tournelles, whither he had been carried, at the age of forty-one, the victim of chance, or the wile of the Sieur de Montgomeri, the ancestor of England's present Earl of Eglinton.

My grandfather had no doubt that there was some truth in this, though he was sure Winterton knew little about it; for it agreed with what James Coom, the smith, had said about the lads from Eglinton that had been at his smiddy to get the horses shod, and remembering the leathern purses under the Earl his master's pillow, he was persuaded that there had been a messenger sent to the head of the Montgomeries, and likewise to other lords, friends of the Congregation; but he saw that Winterton went by guess, and lied at random.