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Effingham commenced, without introduction, "whether there can be any mistake concerning the ownership of the Fishing Point on the west side of the lake." "Certainly not, sir; it belongs to the public." Mr. Effingham's cheek glowed, and he looked astonished: but he remained calm. "The public! Do you gravely affirm, Mr. Bragg, that the public pretends to claim that Point?" "Claim, Mr.

I wish we could get at the bottom of Miss Effingham's thoughts, on this occasion." "Miss Effingham has been grieved, disappointed, nay, shocked," said Eve, "but, still she will not despair of the republic.

"I am not quite certain, my dear mademoiselle, that I can give you a very learned description of the animal you think worthy of all these questions, but, by the aid of Mr. John Effingham's information, and a few words that have fallen from Mr. Blunt, I believe it ought to be something as follows: America once produced a very distinguished philosopher, named Franklin " "Comment, ma chere!

A mercantile house was established in the metropolis of Pennsylvania, with the avails of Mr. Effingham's personal property; all, or nearly all, of which was put into the possession of Temple, who was the only ostensible proprietor in the concern, while, in secret, the other was entitled to an equal participation in the profits.

In a minute, Paul was at the door of John Effingham's room, where he again tapped, and was again told to enter. "Ducie has not forgotten my request, and here is the secretary that contains poor Mr. Monday's paper," he remarked, as he laid his load on a toilet-table, speaking in a way to show that the visit was expected.

To be tumbling over the chairs and tables with his late friend and present enemy in Mrs. Bunce's room would be most unpleasant to him. If there were to be blows he, too, must strike; and he was very averse to strike Lady Laura's brother, Lord Brentford's son, Violet Effingham's friend. If need be, however, he would strike. "I suppose I remember what you mean," said Phineas.

I am rejoiced at this marriage after all, commodore, or marriages rather, for I understand that Mr. Paul Effingham and Sir George Templemore intend to make a double bowline of it to-morrow morning. All is arranged, and as soon as my eyes have witnessed that blessed sight, I shall trip for New-York again." "It is clearly made out then, that the young gentleman is Mr. John Effingham's son?"

These were Mr. Clement Hill and Mr. Anthony Underwood. Effingham's answer was cool, short, and admonitory. The essence of it is in these words: "We do not think it warrantable to comply with your desires, but shall detain Talbot prisoner until his Majesty's particular commands be known therein."

Badger, first called up the bank which had certified the latter's check, and having ascertained that the certification was genuine he marked Mrs. Effingham's note as paid and then took down from the top of his roll-top desk the bundle of beautifully engraved securities given him by Mr. Tutt. Badger watched him greedily. "Thank you," he gurgled, stuffing them into his pocket.