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"Stop, Roland, stop!" shouted Ebearhard, but the warning came too late. The young man flung the bag into the torrent, where it disappeared in a smother of foam. He rose to his feet and drew his sword. "If you wish a fight now, it will be for the love of it, no filthy lucre being at stake."

This, by the way, is an appointment, rather than an election. It is not to be put before the guild. You simply act as second lieutenant, and that is all there is about it." "Very good, Commander," said Ebearhard. "Greusel, how much money have you?" "Thirty thalers." "Economical man! Will you lend me the sum until we reach Assmannshausen?" "Certainly."

"This is very interesting, Ebearhard, and an excellent feat of scouting must be set down to your credit. Say nothing to the men, because, although we give Furstenberg the go-by on this occasion, I shall pay my respects to Herman von Katznellenbogenstahleck on my return, and the knowledge you bring me will prove useful."

Now, Brother Ebearhard, name me a single Baron along the whole length of the Rhine who would permit one of his men-at-arms to bandy words with him on any subject whatever." "I should hope," replied Ebearhard, "that we do not model our conduct after that of a robber." "The robbers, I beg to point out to you, Ebearhard, are successful.

"You're an early bird, Greusel," he said. "Have you got the worm?" "Yes, I have," replied the latter. "I found it in the basin of a waterfall nearly a league from here," and with that he drew aside his cloak, showing the still wet but empty bag. For a few moments Ebearhard did not understand. He rose and shook himself, glancing about him.

"Joseph," said Ebearhard, rising, with his usual laugh, "you are a very clever man, although you usually persist in hiding your light under a bushel. I desire to associate myself with the expressions you have used, and therefore second your motion." "I now put the resolution which you have all heard," said Greusel, "and I ask those in favor of it to stand."

Greusel walked back to camp by the other bank of the stream. Although the early rays of the sun percolated through the upper branches of the trees above them, the eighteen prone men slept as if they were but seven. He sprang over the brook, touched the recumbent Ebearhard with his foot, and so awoke him. This excellent man yawned, and stretched out his arms above his head.

Greusel, do you and Ebearhard take two of the crew, launch the small boat, and rescue the barrels if you can find them." "Mercy on us, Roland! Mercy!" moaned his former comrades. "I have already wasted too much mercy upon you," he said.

I asked him not to appoint me lieutenant, but to choose Kurzbold or Gensbein from among the malcontents, for I thought if responsibility were placed on their shoulders we should be favored with less criticism." "A very good idea it seems to me," remarked Ebearhard. "Well, you saw how promptly he ignored it, yet after all there may be more wisdom in that head of his than I suspected.

You have certainly done the best you could in the circumstances, and for those circumstances you are free of blame, since, not being a wizard, you could scarcely know of the chain." "Indeed, Ebearhard, it is just in that respect I blame myself, neglecting your own good example, who discovered the chain at Furstenberg.