United States or Philippines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

In his grave and undemonstrative way and quiet voice, this man related some of his experiences, so as not only to gain the attention of his companion in arms, but to fascinate all who chanced to be within earshot of him not the least interested among whom, of course, was our friend Miles.

After refreshments the envoys immediately adjourned to the big morning room, and I was posted outside to see that no gendarme or forest pensioner carne within earshot. I was not present at the beginning of the conference, but after an hour had passed I was summoned. My first impression as I opened the door was of an air of tenseness.

Browne, pursing his lips until his moustache bristled and smiling in all his wrinkles. "You know, Miss Morkan, the reason they are so fond of me is " He did not finish his sentence, but, seeing that Aunt Kate was out of earshot, at once led the three young ladies into the back room.

He listened until the sound became imperceptible and when he was certain that the conspirators were well out of earshot he sped to the telephone and called up the police station at Freeman's Falls. It did not take long for him to hurriedly repeat to an officer what he had heard.

"You must tell me everything, little one," the Contessa Santonini kept saying hurriedly. She was constrained and repetitious in the grip of her emotion, as they stood together, just out of earshot of the Italian consul's wife who was chaperoning the young girl upon her voyage.

Turning Shulamite, Symon of Worcester rode slowly down the hill, passed southward, and entered the city by Friar's Gate; and so to the Palace, where Hugh d'Argent waited. The Bishop led him, through a postern, into the garden; and there on a wide lawn, out of earshot of any possible listeners, the Bishop and the Knight walked up and down in earnest conversation.

The cat-like spirit of eaves-dropping overcame him at once. He stole nearer and nearer on the couple from behind, until he was within earshot. "That is the man," the Britisher was saying; "there with the long blond hair speaking to a girl in green." Silas identified a very handsome young fellow of small stature, who was plainly the object of this designation.

"I dunno's there's water enough to more'n give 'em a lick and a promise. Marty? Oh, you Marty! Come, go for a pail of water, will ye? That's a good boy." "Now, ye know well enough," snarled Jason's voice just outside the door, "that that boy ain't in earshot now." "Oh, I can get a pail of water from the pump, Aunty," said Janice, briskly starting for the porch.

He was a complete stranger to her. Jeff had read the note. He stood regarding the ranchman. Suddenly his voice broke sharply. "Leave my horse at the tying post. Wait for me at the barn." He watched the man secure his horse. Then he watched him return to the barn. Nor did he speak again till he was out of earshot. At last he turned back to the waiting woman. "Who sent this? When did you get it?

Everybody within earshot laughed, and the saying was repeated the next day with shameless mirth as the best joke of the season. For the wood for the library had had a history distinctly discreditable and as distinctly ludicrous, at which Hillsboro people laughed with a conscious lowering of their standards of honesty. The beginning had been an accident, but the long sequence was not.