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Armitage could see the little soldier standing in the respectful position of "attention," looking up and evidently pleading. "I won't do it until I'm ready," was again heard in Jerrold's angry tones, though this time the lieutenant glanced about, as though to see if others were within earshot. There was no one, apparently, and he grew more confident.

But Gimp and Frank were already shelling out bills, like vagabonds who happened to be flush. "Poor simpletons," Gimp wailed facetiously afterwards, when they had moved out of earshot. "Even here, it happens. But that's worse. And if her Daddy had stayed human, she might almost have been an heiress... Well, come on, Frank. I've got my space gear out of hock, and my tractor sold.

"And don't mistake me," concluded Belding, "just keep out of earshot when Laddy tells us the story of that desert trip, unless you're hankering to have your hair turn pure white and stand curled on end and freeze that way." About the middle of the forenoon on the following day the rangers hobbled out of the kitchen to the porch.

He led the doctor back to the rear, where the guard, sun-blackened, haggard fellows, with their clothes hanging in rags from the thorns, were on the watch, and this being out of earshot of the sick and wounded, who were all ranged side by side beneath a couple of shady spreading trees, he gave the order for the men to fall in, when, with the precision that they would have shown upon a parade ground, the soldiers fell in, making one line; the sailors another in the rear.

He had not gone over a mile when, on surmounting an eminence, he saw by dying fires in a grove beneath him that he was near the bivouac of a body of soldiers. He hardly hoped they could be a detachment of Union men; and yet the thought that it was possible led him to approach stealthily within earshot.

Every man of the living and every man of the dead might have had his "privacy of light." It needs no park. It is to be found in the merest working country; and a thicket may be as secret as a forest. It is not so difficult to get for a time out of sight and earshot.

"Come with me out of earshot, will you, Lee?" They moved to a spot that satisfied her. "I heard you were doing this and I asked Charlie to bring me here," she began. "I wanted to see for myself. And it's true. You're going ahead and make these things out of concrete. I'm indignant, I'm hurt. After you led me to rely " Bryant stopped her sharply. "No, Ruth, not that.

"You may keep guard around me, though out of earshot the Archer is your own King's servant. And if I give you ten guilders " "Laid out in masses, the sum may profit his poor soul," said Trois Eschelles. "Laid out in wine or brantwein, it will comfort my poor body," responded Petit Andre. "So let them be forthcoming, my little crack rope."

"Out of hearing is all that is needed, daughter," replied the priest; and Ermentrude looked content as Christina moved towards the empty north turret, where, with the door open, she was in full view, and Eberhard followed her thither. It was indeed fully out of earshot of the child's faint, gasping confession. Gravely and sadly both stood there.

When she came within earshot of their pleading, desire in her bent a willing ear. The voice of the so- called inanimate! Who shall translate for us the language of the stones? " My dear," said the lace collar she secured from Partridge's, " I fit you beautifully; don't give me up." " Ah, such little feet," said the leather of the soft new shoes; " how effectively I cover them.