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He leant towards Stonehouse, his inflamed eye through the staring monocle fixing him with an extraordinary tipsy earnestness. "No, doctor, you are mis-mistaken. It would be intolerable you understand quite intolerable. There are things that that must not be true as there are other things that must be true. We've staked our last penny on it, sir, and we've got to win.

He might have lived it so as to be of no use to anyone, or indeed in such a way as to be a hindrance rather than a help to poor overburdened humanity. It matters comparatively little that this man should think he is destroying supernaturalism and scoffs at the possibility of a future life. His moral earnestness is a mark of his Christhood and his work a part of the Atonement.

While the most paultry matters of this world, even those pitiful trifles, those childish gewgaws, riches and honours, are transacted with the utmost earnestness and most serious application, the grand and weighty affair of immortality is postponed and disregarded, nor ever brought into the least competition with our affairs here. But why should I mention those places of hurry and worldly pursuit?

Yet I cannot but implore, with the greatest earnestness, such as have been conversant with this great man, that they will not so far neglect the common interest of mankind, as to suffer any of these circumstances to be lost to posterity. Men are generally idle, and ready to satisfy themselves, and intimidate the industry of others, by calling that impossible which is only difficult.

Visited a large living Sabbath-school in connection with Mr. Rodgers' church. Had the privilege of a class, and found that the little maidens had an appreciative knowledge of their Bibles. I hear that there is considerable religious earnestness in Derry, especially among the young men. From Derry I ran down to Limavady to have an interview with the Rev. Mr.

Or, if serious, they seemed perhaps from the earnestness of their striving for the worth-while drama, to be a shade too serious. They were often, he felt, over-emphatic in their methods. Still, they were, he was certain, good actors. One could always tell what they meant. It was at these times that he especially wished he might be allowed to view the "rushes."

You believe me a spy, and you think for that reason I was trying to escape from Richmond!" She stopped and looked at Prescott, and when she met his answering gaze the flush in her cheeks deepened. "Ah, I was right; you do think me a spy!" she exclaimed with passionate earnestness, "and God knows I might have been one! Some such thought was in my mind when I went to Miss Grayson's in Richmond.

"Dew-of-June," he said solemnly, but with an earnestness which denoted the strength of his sympathy, "you are not alone in your sorrow. Turn, and let your eyes look upon a friend." "June has no longer any friend!" the woman answered. "Arrowhead has gone to the happy hunting-grounds, and there is no one left to care for June.

"Nicesh place down here where we can stop and resht," and he staggered against her. "But I want to go home, Jim," her tone of laughing protest changed to one of earnestness. "Father will be looking for me." "Hang father," said the other. "Old man don't know. Come on I tell you." And he tried to put his arm about her waist. The girl was frightened now in earnest. "Stop sir," she said. "Why?

"Could you not wait four hours longer?" said Rotha. "I could if you wish it; but why?" "I don't know that is, I can't say but wait until four o'clock, I beg of you." The girl spoke with deep earnestness. "I shall wait," said Willy, after a pause. "And you'll meet me at the bridge by the smithy?" said Rotha. Willy nodded assent. "At four precisely," he said. "This is all I came to ask.