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Updated: January 18, 2025

"Jest half a mile from Pettybone's house to the dam," he continued, with apparent irrelevance. "Level road." "And my geldin' kin travel that same road spryer 'n Green's hoss for a hunderd dollars," said Wade, eagerly. "Dunno," said Scattergood. "Hoss races is uncertain. G'-by, Wade. See you later."

This is what happened behind the closed doors of Flint's study, and Flint was then Head of the Games: "Oh, I say, Flint. King has sent me to you for playin' marbles in the corridor an' shoutin' 'alley tor' an' 'knuckle down." "What does he suppose I have to do with that?" was the answer. "Dunno. Well?" Beetle grinned wickedly. "What am I to tell him? He's rather wrathy about it."

He long time ago. Wey you gwan, Daddy Ben?" "W'at does you season your recollection wid fer ter make it hol' on so?" inquired the old man. "I dunno. He stick hese'f. I see you comin' 'long 'n I say 'Dey Daddy Ben. I tink I see you no mo', an' I shaky you by de han'. Wey you gwan? Dey no place yer wey we git wine?"

"It's somebody on foot an' tired an' light-footed ther's two or three dunno what kind o' bein's they ken be. Thunder an' lightnin'!" Caney's concluding remark was inspired by the sudden appearance of a woman, who rushed into the shadow of the tree, stopped, looked wildly about for a moment, and then threw herself against the prisoner's feet, and uttered a low, pitiful cry.

'Dunno but what I'll try ye once, he said presently, 'jes t' see. Once started they grew red in their faces and shot themselves weary in a reckless contest of skill and endurance. A great hulking fellow, half drunk and a bit quarrelsome, came up, presently, and endeavoured to help Ab hold his rifle. The latter brushed him away and said nothing for a moment.

"No," said Joan; "it's right hard labor, readin'. Pa learned me my letters an' I can spell out bits from papers an' advertisements an' what not, but I ain't never read a book straight out. I dunno," she added presently, "but as I'd like to. Pierre can read," she told him proudly. "I'm sure you'd like to." He considered her through the smoke of his pipe.

I've checked up what he says at different times they tally like the truth. I can't find nothing wrong." "I've got him set down for a spotter," said Al. "If he ain't on the level it'll show up sooner or later," Tom contended. "I've got my eye on him. I dunno what you pin your argument on, Al, I'll be darned if I do." "Well, watch out for Cheyenne. That's all.

Last night I heard that the reason of your firing off your guns were to celebrate the hanniversary of your wife's death. I dunno, I'm sure, whether such a practice wouldn't be considered as more criminal and worthy of a fearfuller punishment than even the shooting at a man's flag and degrading the honour of it. But to say more 'ud only be a-wasting of breath. My lads, do your duty."

He don't use Brazilian boatmen gits his men on the other side. And the Peru boys themselves dunno where he goes, or, anyways, they say they don't.

And it won't happen it can't happen." "Are you mad are you quite mad?" asked the girl. "What on earth have I and my affairs got to do with you? Who are you?" "I dunno," said Ronicky Doone. "I suppose you might say I'm a champion of lost causes, lady. Why have I got something to do with you?

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