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The student mentioned one or two drugs. "Would you?" said Dr. Tyrell. "Well, that's original at all events. I don't think we'll be rash." This always made the students laugh, and with a twinkle of amusement at his own bright humour the physician prescribed some other drug than that which the student had suggested.

"Your opinion coincides with that I have just heard?" asked Margrave, turning to me. "In much yes." "It is more favourable than I should have supposed. I am far from disdaining the advice so kindly offered. Permit me, in turn, two or three questions, Dr. Faber. Do you prescribe to me no drugs from your pharmacopoeia?"

"Very middling," she whiffed "Cases of love where all my good counsel remains untaken a madness for drugs very foolish A drug yes to try but to continue! Mon Dieu! they will no longer make fortunes 'dans le metier' " "When you have made your fortune, Suzette, what will you do with it?"

When they daily communicated these things as secrets, and told him at one time that the king would do so to him ere long, and at another, that the blow was actually close impending, they so alarmed the young man, struck; such a terror into him, and cast such a confusion and anxiety upon his thoughts, that, having prepared some poisonous drugs, he drank them, that he might be delivered from his life.

It was "just to see how she was getting on," or "because he happened to be passing," or "to bring that book he told her about." He had prescribed a course of light literature for Miss Quincey and seemed to think it necessary to supply his own drugs.

Warble smiled engagingly. "I do want to be thinner," she conciliated, "how can I?" And, somehow, that started them all off. They restlessly gave advice, recommended certain exercises, uncertain drugs and most unattractive diets.

In the first place, he set his face firmly against all the discoveries of the last thirty years: he had no patience with the drugs which became modish, were thought to work marvellous cures, and in a few years were discarded; he had stock mixtures which he had brought from St.

Some of the old doctors, I fear, never pardoned me for saying that if a ship, loaded with an assorted cargo of the drugs which used to be considered the natural food of sick people, went to the bottom of the sea, it would be "all the better for mankind and all the worse for the fishes."

Having become convinced that God and God alone "forgiveth all iniquities and healeth all diseases," he had declared that he would never again diagnose a case in accord with the laws of materia medica, write another medical prescription, or deal out ineffectual drugs. Neither did he, as yet, feel that he was prepared to announce himself a Christian Science practitioner.

The same feeling is illustrated in the advertising of abortifacients. Newspapers and magazines unhesitatingly carry, under the guise of remedies to regulate the health of women, notices of drugs and equipment intended to destroy pregnancy.