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"Weel, I'll tak' him to oblige ye," he said indifferently. The drover rose to his feet. "It's givin' 'im ye, fair givin' im ye, mind! But I'll do it!" he smacked a great fist into a hollow palm. "Ye may have the dog for a pun' I'll only ask you a pun'," and he walked away to the window.

Even this was no inducement to the trail drover, and on Deweese's return my employer tried San Antonio and other points in Texas in the hope of finding a market. From several places favorable replies were received, particularly from places north of the Colorado River; for the drouth was local and was chiefly confined to the southern portion of the state.

He is a dog of an easy disposition, and too frequently allows this drover to get drunk. On these occasions, it is the dog's custom to sit outside the public-house, keeping his eye on a few sheep, and thinking. I have seen him with six sheep, plainly casting up in his mind how many he began with when he left the market, and at what places he has left the rest.

Then a few more, followed by others till the thousand cattle were safely behind the great gates. "Now we'll have a drink of tea, and then we'll truck them," said the drover, dismounting from his horse and taking off the saddle. He turned to the black boys. "Take um your horses little yard belonga Mr. Archer," he said, pointing towards the town. "Give um plenty tucker, water. Come back quick-fella!

"That old bloke took 'im," he said. "Old bloke that come in the coach. While yous was all talking in the pub, he sneaks out here and nabs that 'orse, and away like a rabbit. See that dust on the plain? That's 'im." The drover looked helplessly out over the stretch of plain. He seemed quite incapable of grappling with the problem. "Took my horse, did he? Well, I'm blowed! By Cripes!"

"Six, if you have got so many, and they are all about Highlanders," and Kate leant forward and nursed her knee, for they had gone into the library. "Last week I was passing the cattle market in Edinburgh, and a big Highland drover stopped me, begging for a little money.

I was well aware of the ravages of splenic fever; but two decades ago every drover from Texas denied the possibility of a through animal in perfect health giving a disease to wintered Southerners or domestic cattle, also robust and healthy.

After Boss Stobart's last visit to Tumurti Station, when Pat and he had arranged for the trip to the Musgraves in search of gold, the old cook had been attacked by fits of moodiness which he could not shake off. He could not rid his mind of the thought that his friend the drover was going to defraud him of his share in the gold-mine.

"These yer knowin' boys is allers aggravatin' and sarcy," said a coarse-looking fellow, from the other side of the room; "that's why they gets cut up and marked so. If they behaved themselves, they wouldn't." "That is to say, the Lord made 'em men, and it's a hard squeeze gettin 'em down into beasts," said the drover, dryly.

Moreover, if you lost your own horse you would have to find another, and if that died or went astray you would have to find a third or forfeit your pay and return on foot. The boss drover agreed to provide flour and mutton when such things were procurable. Consequently, Clancy's unfavourable opinion of the colonies. My mate and I sat down on our swags against the fence to talk things over.