United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The English nation never stood so high in the estimation of the Italians as at this present moment: and I believe the French were never so universally execrated and despised as they now are. The Emperor and King of Naples will make an effort to drive them out of Italy. General Mack was daily expected at Naples to arrange the plans. We have to regret the capture of the Leander by the Généreux.

For it had been a custom in old time that whoever was chief magistrate at Rome should drive a nail in this place on the fifteenth day of the month September, to the end that the number of the year might thus be marked, there being in those days but small use of letters and figures; and this nail was driven into the wall that looks towards the temple of Minerva, because Minerva is the goddess of numbers.

"And as it is, I'm really starved," said another personage, shaking hands with Peter as if she had not seen him for a twelve-month instead of parting with him but two hours before. "What an appetite riding in the Park does give one! Especially when afterwards you drive, and drive, and drive, over New York stones." "Ah," cried Madame. "C'est tres bien!" "Isn't it jolly?" responded Leonore.

"I wasn't thinking of Helen," I responded testily, "but a lot of cheap notoriety won't help our law practise any." All the spirit seemed to have seeped out of his system, so I pushed him into my car, preferring to take the wheel rather than have him drive.

I was just at that moment in want of a speedy djin, and I at once got into his vehicle; besides, it was an alleviation to my feelings, in this hour of departure, to take my last drive in company with a member of my family.

The suicide of . . . . on account of his wife's seduction by the Duke of Cumberland, will drive the Duke of Cumberland out of the field. February 9. Called on the Duke. He advised a very narrowed statement in moving for the committee. I rather doubt his judgment upon this point.

Von Gerhard's face was a painful red. I think that the hand on my shoulder even shook me a little, there on that bleak and deserted lake drive. I tried to wrench my shoulder free with a jerk. "You are hurting me!" I cried. A quiver of pain passed over the face that I had thought so calmly unemotional. "You talk of hurts! You, who set out deliberately and maliciously to make me suffer!

'The next morning I got brother to drive me over. I can walk still, but my feet ain't what they used to be, and I try to save myself. The lines outside the Shimerdas' house was full of washing, though it was the middle of the week. As we got nearer, I saw a sight that made my heart sink all those underclothes we'd put so much work on, out there swinging in the wind.

At present, however, the mere cry: "He's a parson!" is often enough to drive one of the clergy from the platform of a public meeting.

When he opened the door Mordaunt was writing and there was a letter, to which he seemed to be replying, on the table. He nodded and went on writing, and Dick was glad he did not want to talk. After a few minutes a car rolled up the drive and when Mordaunt fastened the envelope they heard Jim's party in the hall. Mordaunt went down stairs and Dick, coming after, saw an envelope on the floor.