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Flanders would have flounced upon her only it was Jacob who came first, in his dressing-gown, amiable, authoritative, beautifully healthy, like a baby after an airing, with an eye clear as running water. Florinda followed, lazily stretching; yawning a little; arranging her hair at the looking-glass while Jacob read his mother's letter.

The rug had been drawn back to show the crew what had happened. I drew it reverently over the body again. After the men had gone, I knocked at Mrs. Turner's door. It was some time before she roused; when she answered, her voice was startled. "What is it?" "It's Leslie, Mrs. Turner. Will you come to the door?" "In a moment." She threw on a dressing-gown, and opened the door. "What is wrong?"

It was one of the most shattering shocks of all his career, which nevertheless had not been untumultuous. And within his dressing-gown which nobody remarked upon he was busy picking up and piecing together, as quickly as he could, the shivered fragments of his ideas. He literally did not recognize Rose Euclid. True, fifteen years had passed since the night in the pit!

Wrapped in a dressing-gown, with bare feet, her face pale, her eyelids red, her complexion clouded, she rushed to meet her friend, who was almost as much disordered as herself. It seemed as if Madame de Talbrun might also have passed a night of sleeplessness and tears. "You have come!

There was a bathroom contiguous; in an incredibly short space of time the hot water was ready; and soon after, arrayed in a shawl dressing-gown, and in a luxury of contentment and comfort, I was reclined in an easy-chair before the mirror, while Rowley, with a mixture of pride and anxiety which I could well understand, laid out his razors.

"Well, madame, explain your business," said he, making another effort to drape himself in the dressing-gown. "Any one recommended to me by the only friend I have in the world may count upon me I may say absolutely." For half an hour Mme.

He was draped in a long dressing-gown of Oriental silk that hung upon him dejectedly as if it yearned for a stouter tenant. In it he looked leaner and taller than he had ever seemed to her before. He had a cigarette between his lips, but this he removed with a flicker of humour as he observed her glance. "Caught in the act," he remarked. "Please come in!"

During the entire journey I sat with my handkerchief over my head, even while the guard collected the tickets. Exhausted!" She came into the arbour wearing a black and white spotted dressing-gown, and a calico cap peaked with patent leather, followed by Kathi, carrying the little blue jugs of malt coffee. We were formally introduced.

Drawing his dressing-gown closely around her, Regina sat down near the bedside; and as she felt the pleasant warmth of the pearl-grey merino, and detected the faint odour of cigar smoke in its folds, she involuntarily pressed her lips to the garment that seemed almost a part of its owner.

He usually sat in his dressing-gown, with an old red handkerchief on the table before him, and one could judge of the relative activity of his mind by the frequency of his application to the snuff-box. In truth, he was an inveterate snuff-taker, and his immoderate consumption of that article appeared to have injuriously affected his voice.