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Sometimes it injects laughter, sometimes horror, into tragedy. It will bring Romeo face to face with the apothecary, Macbeth with the witches, Hamlet with the grave-diggers. Sometimes it may, without discord, as in the scene between King Lear and his jester, mingle its shrill voice with the most sublime, the most dismal, the dreamiest music of the soul.

"I should think," finally remarked George, "that such an old folks' party would afford a chance for some pretty careful study, and some rather good acting." "Fifty years will make us all not far from seventy. What shall we look like then, I wonder?" musingly asked Mary Fellows. She was the demurest, dreamiest of the three girls; the most of a woman, and the least of a talker.

Though it is dead to the core and beginning to show the signs of death, it is one of the dreamiest spots on earth, and just the one for long summer solitude, at least so we all thought, for on the morrow we were homeward bound. From the Far North. Sitka is the turning-point in the Alaskan summer cruise.

But while he was a-circling about with her he was the dreamiest looking one you ever seen. Kerosene said afterwards she heard him saying to himself over and over: "This can't be real! This can't be real!" What happened along right away after was real enough for him at least, he thought it was, and that come to the same thing.

His generosity, which is prodigal, has a surly air; his simplicity is really subtlety; his malice pure tenderness; and his whole talent is, as it were, the fine flower of the Vaudois mind in its sweetest and dreamiest form. February 10, 1871. My reading for this morning has been some vigorous chapters of Taine's "History of English Literature."

'In the Spring, when the wattle gold trembles 'Twixt shadow and shine, When each dew-laden air resembles A long draught of wine, When the skyline's blue burnished resistance Makes deeper the dreamiest distance, Some songs in all hearts have existence: Such songs have been mine.

One evening, when she and Aunt Betsy had been dining alone, and had returned to the drawing-room, where it was Ida's custom at this hour to play her kind patroness to sleep with all the dreamiest and most pensive melodies in her extensive repertoire, the girl suddenly faltered in her playing, wandered from one air into another, and with a touch so uncertain that Aunt Betsy, who was fast lapsing into dreamland, became broad awake again all at once, and wanted to know the reason why.

My best procedure many times is to act negatively.... Doubtless Dictator Jaffier was very glad of your return to the dreamiest of climates " "Yes," said Bedient. "I noted this morning that he dispatched a convoy to your hacienda, bearing doubtless the official welcome " "Yes, I met the party."

I believe it came to her that I was a creature of like passions with herself, capable of gratitude, perhaps in need of encouragement. Hitherto I think she has regarded me as a porridge and coffee machine. She put her arm around me and kissed me. "Camilla," she said gently she has the softest, dreamiest voice I ever heard "I believe in the aristocracy of brains and virtue. You have both."

Should you ever be athirst in the great American desert, try this experiment, if your caravan happen to be supplied with a metaphysical professor. Yes, as every one knows, meditation and water are wedded for ever. But here is an artist. He desires to paint you the dreamiest, shadiest, quietest, most enchanting bit of romantic landscape in all the valley of the Saco.