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But in THESE notes the names of the authors of the plays acted are never mentioned. Does this suggest that Bacon wrote all these plays? On the other hand, there are frequent mentions of advances of money to authors who were working at plays for Henslowe, singly, or in pairs, threes, fours, or fives. We find Drayton, Dekker, Chapman, and nine authors now forgotten by all but antiquarians.

There let her come, and with her bring more blessed children of the olden time, "Whose names In Fame's eternal volume live for aye." The gallant handsome Surrey, tutored by Love into our first, if not our sweetest sonneteer; and Michael Drayton, with his apt crest Mercury's bright cap, blazoned with sunbeams.

Thus Corin is Chapman; Musaeus, of course Marlowe; English Horace, no doubt Jonson; Melicert, Shakespeare; Coridon, Drayton; Anti-Horace, most likely Dekker, and Moelibee, mentioned with him, possibly Marston. Throughout Chettle assumes to himself Spenser's pastoral title.

Nevill Tyson was as innocent as one was bound to suppose, why did she not come back to Drayton, to her mother? That was the proper thing for her to do under the circumstances. Have you ever sat by the seashore playing with pebbles in an idle mood?

He, poor old soul, was simply regarded as the victim of diabolical fascinations. After the discomfiture of Stanistreet, Mrs. Nevill Tyson's movements were watched with redoubled interest. Her appearances were now strictly limited to those large confused occasions which might be considered open events Drayton races, church, the hunt ball, and so on.

At this very time, Miss Drayton, too, was bearing about a disturbed heart. She was fond of Anne and had always regretted her being sent to an orphanage, but the feeling was not strong enough to make her reclaim the child. Anne's uncle was a criminal, after all, and she herself had a strange secret. How could she have acquired those jewels but by theft?

There were no trained nurses during the war, and Lucy Drayton, like so many girls, when the war grew fiercer, went into the hospitals, and by devotion supplied their place. Believing that life was ended for her, she had devoted herself wholly to the cause, and self-repression had given to her face the gentleness and consecration of a nun.

He dressed quickly, and was soon seated at the doctor's well-spread table. He soon showed that, in spite of his exposure and narrow escape from death, he had a hearty appetite. Mrs. Drayton saw him eat with true motherly pleasure, and her natural love of children drew her toward our young hero, and would have done so even had he been less attractive.

"You think I must, nurse?" "I think it would be better, ma'am. I wish you would try it." The Honourable Mrs. Drayton went to the door, then paused. "He has such sharp ears, nurse; he will listen for the opening of the door and the sound of the carriage." "I will see to that," said the nurse. "I will tell them to have the carriage here at ten minutes to eight.

Barkley, who had her own views about Miss Sampson's wisdom in undertaking the care of a baby, but who would not let that Drayton female speak against her, spread abroad the information that Miss Lydia's baby's parents, who had lived out West, had both been killed at the same time in an accident. "What kind?" "Carriage, I believe," said Mrs.