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William Cecil Wychwood Stanley Drayton," on the occasion of our next meeting, which happened upon the steps of the Savoy Restaurant, and I thought unless a quiver of the electric light deceived me that he blushed. "Charming girl," I said. "You're a lucky dog, Billy."

But undoubtedly the greatest poet who was content to follow immediately in Spenser's footsteps was Michael Drayton, who in 1593 published a volume entitled 'Idea The Shepheards Garland, Fashioned in nine Eglogs.

Captain Drayton turned at the call, and an expression of delight swept over his face at sight of the girl. With the jaunty gesture she knew so well he took off his cocked beaver, and came to them quickly. "Peggy," he cried, his gladness at seeing her plain to be seen. "You are come at last. Your father told me that you were coming, and I have watched every day for a week for you.

And we'll send her a good warm shawl besides and Uncle Richard shall have shall have a blue overcoat with brass buttons." "Goody, goody, goody!" cried Anne, clapping her hands. "Oh, please, I just must kiss you." "Good pay and in advance," said Mr. Patterson. "But I charge two kisses," which he proceeded to take. "What would Miss Farlow like?" inquired Miss Drayton. "I know," said Anne. "Gloves.

Reverend John Ward, who was vicar of Stratford nearly fifty years afterward, wrote in his diary "Shakespeare, Drayton, and Ben Jonson had a merie meeting and it seems drank too hard, for Shakespeare died of a feavour there contracted."

Look there! Browne was coming up the platform towards the bookstall, looking forlorn and sad. 'Ah! what can ail thee, wretched wight, Alone and palely loitering? murmured Drayton. 'It's a bad job for me, Jerry's getting off-color like this. How's he going to train men for Firsts next June, when he's gone in himself?

I carried it, as early a copy as any, I this time flattered myself, straightway to Mrs. Corvick. This was the only use I had for it; I left the inevitable tribute of The Middle to some more ingenious mind and some less irritated temper. "But I already have it," Gwendolen said. "Drayton Deane was so good as to bring it to me yesterday, and I've just finished it." "Yesterday?

It seemed like small game for Jack Drayton to be trailing along with the ruck the ruck meaning Tony Criswold and the rest of that just-out-of-college crew but I didn't need signed affidavits, after five minutes of club chatter, to know that he was pretty well tied to an avenue window at Cherry's after the show.

Drayton informed him that he had nothing to fear should his misstep be made public, for in reality there was, at this late day, no crime committed in the eyes of the law. He also told Kendrick how matters stood, and of the net he was spreading for Hayden. He had some fears, he said, about sending a man of my years alone to Baldpate Inn. Kendrick begged for the chance to come, too.

Lord George Sackville Germaine, on his resignation of the Secretaryship of the Colonies, was, in February, 1782, created a peer as Viscount Sackville of Drayton Manor, Northampton. Thereupon the Marquis of Carmarthen brought forward a motion in the House of Lords that it was derogatory to the honour of the House that any person under the censure of a court martial should be raised to the Peerage.