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'Tis curious to reflect, that at the vast baronial feasts, in the days of the Plantagenets and Tudors, where we read of such onslaught of beeves, muttons, hogs, fowl and fish, the courtly knights and beauteous dames had no other vegetable save bread not even a potato! Von Os. "They carved at the meal with their gloves of steel, And drank the red wine through the helmet barr'd." Dov.

And yet this poor fellow believes himself inspired with "grace abounding;" and readily undertakes to "spound," as he calls it, any verse read to him, however remotely insulated from the context. Dov.

And a truer law of social science than any that political economists are wont to lay down, is that old Dov' e la donna? of the Italian judge, who used to ask, as a preliminary to every case, civil or criminal, which was brought before him, Dov' e la donna? "Where is the lady?" certain, like a wise old gentleman, that a woman was most probably at the bottom of the matter. Strangeness? Romance?

Ray tells a humourous story, that, after the patiently exploring commissioners, at the end of their long examinations, deliberately confessed their utter ignorance to account for the Goodwin Sands, an old man gravely asserted Tenterden steeple to be the cause. Von Os. Tenterden steeple! Dov. Ay; Tenterden steeple: for that those sands first appeared the year it was erected. Von Os.

They knew absolutely nothing of vegetables in a culinary sense; and as for their application in medicine, they had no power unless gathered under planetary influence, "sliver'd in the moon's eclipse." Von Os. When Mercury was culminating, or Mars and Venus had got into the ninth house. Dov.

"Avast heaving there, Master Fritz! as it is, I am a half-hanged man already, so death has now no terrors Dov me; it is the first pang that is most felt." "Yes; but in the case of tigers, they never give you time to feel a second pang; miss your aim, and it is all over with you." "True; and therefore I wish you would give up the project.

Linnaeus himself was a bit of a prophet; as, indeed, thus well he might; for experience and observation amount almost to the power of vatacination. In his Academic Aménities he says, "Deus, O.M. et Natura nihil frustra creaverit. Posteros tamen tot inventuros fore utilitates ex muscis arguor, quot ex reliquis vegetabilibus." Dov. English it, Von Osdat; thou'rt a scholar. Von Os.

He smiled at me compassionately when I told him that insects never grew when in the perfect state; but, like Minerva from the brain of Jove, issue full-armed with sharpest weapons, and corslets of burnished green, purple, and gold, in panoply complete: yet is this gentleman a man of genius, wit, and very extensive knowledge. Von Os. Not in bees. Dov.

"Dov' e mai quel core amante," she murmured in Italian, as la Tinti began the delightful aria of the stretto in which she implores pity for her grief. "But what is the matter? The pit are dissatisfied " "Genovese is braying like a stage," replied the Prince. In point of fact, this first duet with la Tinti was spoilt by Genovese's utter breakdown.

And when the cloth was drawn Von Os. Cloth! Dov. They had scarce an apple to give zest to their wine. Von Os. We read of roasted crabs; and mayhap they had baked acorns and pignuts. Dov. Ha! ha! ha! Caliban's dainties. Now we have wholesome vegetables almost for nothing, and pine-apples for a trifle. Thanks to Mr. Knight push the bottle here's to his health in a bumper. Von Os.