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Which death, despite the authorized report, was not natural: the King of Valeria killed him in a sword duel in Ferida Palace on the principal street of Dornlitz. The lady then betook herself to Paris and took up her present life of extreme respectability and political usefulness to our friends of Wilhelm-strasse.

He raised his eyebrows, and out came the cigarette case. "Then, do you appreciate that, until she does, you will have the disagreeable duty of preventing her from departing the Capital certainly the Kingdom?" "Practically that," I admitted. "I have already directed that she be not permitted to leave Dornlitz." He shook his head. "There, you send me over to the Enemy.

"Nonsense, monsieur; you know perfectly well His Majesty is not in Dornlitz." "The Duke of Lotzen and the American Archduke, then." She laughed. "Very likely; very likely, indeed!" "Mademoiselle is pleased to ridicule." "And monsieur is pleased to affect ignorance." "Of what?" I asked. "When did your Knaveship come to Dornlitz?" "Very recently." "You must be a very stupid diplomat."

She looked at me with a triumphant sneer. "You hear, Your Highness!" she exclaimed. "Yes," said I, "I hear." "I presume I am now at liberty to depart." "From the room? undoubtedly," I answered. "Thank you I mean from Dornlitz." "Whenever you will," said I; "on the terms I gave you." She turned, again, to Courtney. "I appeal to Your Excellency for protection."

"That and the pleasure of seeing my dear husband," she drawled. "I'll make a bargain with you, Mrs. Spencer," I said: "My motive for the order, in exchange, in strict confidence, for your motive for coming to Dornlitz." Of course, I had no notion she would disclose the actual motive in the plot.

She is ugly in heart," I said. "I wonder what brings her to Dornlitz?" "The man beside her, doubtless," said Dehra. "Then he's spending money on her like water or she has some game afoot," I exclaimed. "You paint her very dark, dear." "Listen," I said. "She was the wife of Colonel Spencer of the American Army.

"Monsieur Gerst," said I to the manager, "I need your assistance." Gerst bowed very low. "Your Royal Highness has but to command," he said. I was quite sure of that, however. An Archduke of Valeria would have been quite enough, but the Governor of Dornlitz was beyond refusal. I could have closed his Hotel by a word, and there would have been no appeal. "Thank you, monsieur," I said.

The difficulty is, I have absolutely no power over a single soldier or official in Dornlitz. The Governor's orders are absolute none but the King can reverse them. And, alas! at this moment, I have very little influence with His Majesty." "Then, you decline to aid me?" she asked, very quietly the smoke was again going through the lamp shade.

She looked at him coldly. "Very good, Your Highness," she said. "I have given you your chance. I have played fair with you. Now, we are quits." "And you don't want my aid?" he asked. "Not unless it's given before noon to-morrow." He raised his hands. "There are only two people in the world who could get you out of Dornlitz by noon to-morrow the King and the Governor." "Exactly," said she.

"You might do it right now here he is." I turned just as Courtney dismounted. "May I intrude, Your Royal Highness?" he asked. "Come along," said I; "Lady Helen wants to hear some gossip and I don't know any." A bit of a smile came into his eyes. "And that, though you are, yourself, the most gossiped about individual in Dornlitz," he answered.