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"You may tell the water-snake, Helpless, that Grayskin goes into exile to-night!" "That I shall never tell him!" protested Karr. "The Far North is a dangerous country for elk." "Do you think that I wish to remain here, when I have caused a disaster like this?" protested Grayskin. "Don't be rash! Sleep over it before you do anything!"

From their distant point of view they could not yet see the sentinels, and it was hard to imagine a more peaceful forest spectacle. "At any rate, we can save 'em," said Robert. "Perhaps," said Willet gravely, "but we come as heralds of disaster occurred, and of hardships to come. It will be a task to persuade them to leave this comfortable place and plunge into the wilderness."

"And not romantic do you mean?" she said, not without irony. "They can be romantic, but they save themselves from disaster with their practical sense. I hope I put it right." She smiled at him. "You speak very good English. What do you think of this?" "But I have seen her!" he said. They had come to the easel on which was the half-finished portrait of Cora, staring across her empty glass.

Then follows the official Russian statement by the "Minister of the Interior," Von Plehve, who held control of Finland in the early stages of the struggle, and was later slain by Russian revolutionists. Then we give the very different Russian view expressed by the great liberal Prime Minister, Baron Sergius Witte, who rescued Russia from her domestic disaster after the Japanese War.

Japan might have met defeat, and defeat to her would have spelt overwhelming disaster; and even if she had continued to win, what she thus won would have been of no value to her, and the cost in blood and money would have left her drained white.

High words followed, and she left the house that evening. "I have no wish to distress you by representing the loss of this situation in the light of a disaster. Norah was not so happy in it as I had hoped and believed she would be.

Commending you and all who compose your command to the care and protection of God, who rules the world and directs all things, I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, A.H. Foote. P.S. Should you meet with disaster, you will, as a last resort, destroy the steam machinery, and, if possible, to escape, set fire to your gunboat, or sink her, and prevent her falling into the hands of the rebels.

Landing next at Point Cunningham, Mr. Cunningham botanized with great success; a fresh stream was running down the rocks into the sea, and at the back of the beach was a hollow full of sweet water; the heat was terrible, and the soil of a red coloured earth of a very sandy nature. Another anchor lost, in a bay they afterwards called Disaster Bay.

That disaster is commonly called "The Reformation." I do not pretend to analyze its material causes, for I doubt if any of its causes were wholly material.

The development of the star system is the chief cause of the disaster. In former days we used to blame the actor-manager, but since the time when all were throwing stones at him a good deal has happened for which the ordinary actor-manager is not responsible directly.