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"Well, by George 't is for me," muttered the young man, as he descried his own name among the marks left by dirt-stained paws and sharp little teeth. "Humph!" he ejaculated a moment later, eyeing the torn and crumpled sheet of paper which the envelope had contained. "Well?" prompted several voices.

He was seeing visions, though you would not think it to look at him; a stocky, middle-aged man who needed a shave and a hair-cut, wearing cheap, dirt-stained overalls and a blue shirt and square-toed shoes studded thickly on the soles with hobnails worn shiny; driving a desert-scarred Ford with most of the paint gone and a front fender cocked up and flapping crazily, and tires worn down to the fabric in places.

So the lieutenant opened a drawer in the table before him, and took out a bunch of the leaflets, folded, wrinkled and dirt-stained, and spread them before Jimmie's eyes, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. "You lie!" said the lieutenant. "I was mistaken, sir," said Jimmie. "Have you searched this man?" the officer demanded of the other soldiers. "Not yet, sir." "Do it now."

The very sight of the hollows between them gave me a sense of solemn elation, or, rather, to use a better word, of sanctification. My knees were callused like my elbows. I was very dirty. My beard, evidently once blond, but now a dirt-stained and streaky brown, swept my midriff in a tangled mass.

At the entrance of the tunnel, from which came rushing dirt-stained and powder-blackened men, Mr. Titus was met by a man who seemed to be in authority. "Hello, Job!" he cried. "Glad you're back. We're in trouble!" "What's the matter?" was the question. "This is my brother Walter," he said. "This is Tom Swift and Mr. Damon," thus hurriedly he introduced them. "What happened, Walter?"

There was no other place for them to crawl, for the rest of the face was covered with matted beard, slightly grizzled, but greatly dirt-stained and weather-discolored. The cheek-bones were blotched with the blood congested by the debauch that was evidently being slept off.

How sweet to find herself there in reality, and not only in a dream; how bitter to know that she had no right there and that she must go! That splendid golden room, with, all the wonderful undreamt-of things, was not for her. She looked down at her wet, dirt-stained dress, at her worn, ragged shoes, at her cold, red hands, and shuddered. She had no right there.

"Then why refuse me what I ask?" "I have no spare beds. When I said you could remain, I knew not that all my rooms were taken." The child raised her beautiful but dirt-stained face to the host in mute appeal, while her father quietly continued: "Put us in the stables; we are used to it." "I cannot." "Pray why not? Surely the enemies of the son of God would not refuse him that."

The engineer of a passive tugboat hung lazily to a railing and watched. Over on the Island, a worm of yellow convicts came from the shadow of a building and crawled slowly along the river's bank. A stone had smashed into Jimmie's mouth. Blood was bubbling over his chin and down upon his ragged shirt. Tears made furrows on his dirt-stained cheeks.

There was no other place for them to crawl, for the rest of the face was covered with matted beard, slightly grizzled, but greatly dirt-stained and weather-discoloured. The cheek-bones were blotched with the blood congested by the debauch that was evidently being slept off.