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"Left," "Right," "Catholics," "Republicans," "Socialists," the names given to the parties of twenty different shades, were simply labels classifying forms of the one burning thirst to rule and dominate.

The Iroquois, always good judges of character, did not take long to discover in the new governor a very different Onontio from the imposing personage who had held conference with them at Fort Frontenac ten years earlier.

Hence, in all my impressions, a mixture of familiarity and of astonishment; a sense, perhaps answering to the reality, that Rome it sounds a platitude is utterly different from everything else, and that we are therefore in different relations to it. Probably for this reason I have found it impossible to use up, in what I have written upon places and their genius, these notes about Rome.

He divided the country into six Territories, each under a separate Commander, realising that India could not be treated as one country, but that its diverse people must be dealt with according to their several needs, and that unless those using different languages were trained to act independently enough of each other they could never form strong enough forces to cope with the vast enterprises required.

The wise man knows horses are good that there is a profit to be made from all; and for myself but that I am a good Sunni and hate the men of Tirah I could believe the same of all the Faiths. Therefore I say in my heart the Faiths are like the horses. Each has merit in its own country. 'But my lama said altogether a different thing. 'Oh, he is an old dreamer of dreams from Bhotiyal.

"Yes, but this is different," Martin objected. "She I well, you see, it's this way: maybe she won't be there. She goes to the university." "Then call again." "What I said ain't what I meant," Martin confessed falteringly, while he made up his mind to throw himself wholly upon the other's mercy. "I'm just a rough sort of a fellow, an' I ain't never seen anything of society.

She tried looking at the reflection from different angles to get various effects. It was impossible for her not to know that she was good to look at, but she had very little vanity about it. None the less it pleased her because it pleased others. She let down her long thick hair and combed it. The tresses still had the old tendency of her childhood to snarl unless she took good care of them.

These patriots seem to equal your greatest politicians in their silence. "Medley. Sir, what they think now cannot well be spoke, but you may conjecture a good deal from their shaking their heads." Such coincidences, whether accidental or designed, are at least curious, and the following is another of somewhat a different kind: "Steal!

The prospect excited the liveliest apprehension in the mind of the religiously disposed Countess Adela, and she bestirred herself to find some means of averting so dread a fate from her brother. Henry himself had heard of the probability with some apprehension, though of a different sort from his sister's.

How different was her lively rattle to that of the vulgar wenches at the Kilwangan assemblies! In every sentence she mentioned a lord or a person of quality.