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In the urgency of action, Diana's colour had hardly changed until now; now she turned deadly white, and for one instant sank on her knees by her bedside with her heart full of a mute, unformed prayer for help.

"Yes." When van Hert arrived at the meeting-place next morning, he wore an overcoat and looked as if he ought to be in bed, and Diana's heart smote her. But she comforted herself with the thought that his fever was very much of the mind, and her medicine, if drastic, might still do him more good than any physician's.

Then with a quick, direct look, he asked, "Did your father, ever give you the details of his experience with me in the Canyon?" Diana's voice was low but very steady as she replied, "Yes, Mr. Secretary. He told me long ago, when you made your famous Boyhood on the Rack speech in Congress. It was the first word he had heard of you in all the years and he was deeply moved."

I don't think actresses, and authors who love them and write plays for them, are much in my line," she replied distantly. It would seem as though Joan's dictum that presentiments, like dreams, go by contraries, had been founded upon the rock of experience, for, in truth, Diana's premonition that something delightful was about to happen to her had been fulfilled in a sorry fashion.

I was not present when Diana and Diana's grandmother hunted the noble Scottish stag of whom we have just been writing; nor care to know how many times Lord Farintosh escaped, and how at last he was brought to bay and taken by his resolute pursuers. Paris, it appears, was the scene of his fall and capture.

Before you go, will you still let me give you Christ's message?" The tears rushed back to Diana's eyes; she looked at him silently. "'Blessed are they that mourn," he said, gently, with a tender dignity, "'for they shall be comforted!" Their eyes met.

He is" with a little effort "very delightful." Miss Lermontof got up to go. "You have a saying in England: All is not gold that glitters. It is very good sense," she observed. "Do you mean" Diana's eyes were suddenly apprehensive "do you mean that he has done anything wrong dishonourable?"

It is a symptom, I know, but, Betty dear, it is serious this time. Her eyes look as if they saw into another world, which makes me feel hopeless! I don't mind you hinting something about it to Julia, if you should see her. You needn't enter into details! Yours ever, ARCHIE Of all the letters, Diana's was the most tempting. Zerlina's had no power to lure.

At Diana's first coming home from Clifton, no doubt her opinion of her own feelings, and Basil's opinion of them, was correct. If a change came, it came so imperceptibly that nobody knew it. Diana's beauty at this time had taken a new phasis.

"I thought it served him right, when I heard it," Charlie said. "He knew he had no right in Diana's forest, and she can't hunt in the moon, for they say there are neither trees nor animals there." Norse "Jack and Jill Went up the hill To get a pail of water; Jack fell down And broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after." That is what your father and mother used to say when they were children.