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He was there that is, a few of him. They were watching for a signal the blue flare of a rocket that should tell Fritz of another air raid. But the noise of motors close above confused his calculations. Why were the Entente airmen flying so low? Might they not be up to more devilment with regard to Appincourte? The blue flare had gone up. But it happened that Fritz did not see it.

A worse man to deal with was a wooden-legged cripple who came hobbling down the path, so weak and so old to all appearance that a child need not stand in fear of him. Yet when Alleyne had passed him, of a sudden, out of pure devilment, he screamed out a curse at him, and sent a jagged flint stone hurtling past his ear.

Burr fascinated women, and adorned his belt with their scalps; but had it not been for this vanity, which led him to scatter hints of infinite devilment and conquest, it is not likely that he would have been branded, in that era of gallantry, a devirginator and a rake.

"The argument runs like water down hill, Bigot! but, par Dieu! I would not have believed that New France contained two women of such mettle as the one to contrive, the other to execute, a masterpiece of devilment like that!" "Since we find another hand in the dish, it may not have been Angelique after all," remarked Bigot.

She paused before lifting the pail from the spout of the wooden pump and gazed speculatively at the tote-sled. "He's lyin'," she said aloud. "He's up to some fresh devilment, an' 'pears like he's scairt. Trouble with Creed is, he ain't got no nerve he's all mouth.

Some reckless fellows tried it out of devilment, but were promptly put down by the strong hand of the city marshal, whose sympathies were with the broken "ring." It had been evident at an early hour of the day that the town of Rock River itself was divided. Amos Ridings and Robie had carried a strong following over into the camp of the farmers.

Everybody 'lowed from the start that Hank would of made trash out'n me, even if I hadn't showed all the signs of being trash anyhow. And if they was devilment anywhere about that town they all says, "Danny, he done it." And like as not I has. So I gets to be what you might call an outcast. All the kids whose folks ain't trash, their mothers tells 'em not to run with me no more.

All turned and beheld Foxey Jack Quinn standing near at hand, a leer on his wide mouth and in his pale eyes, and his nunney-bag on his shoulder. He looked as if he had slept in his clothes which was, undoubtedly, the case. He glared straight at the skipper with a dancing flame of devilment in his eyes. "What ye bin all a-doin' now for to make extry work for yerselves?" he asked.

Tinneray chuckled again, he seemed to be possessed with the humor of some delightful secret. Looking carefully around him and seeing every one absorbed in other things he leaned closer to his wife. "She's liable to lose that bird," he whispered. "Them young fellers with the canes they're full of their devilment well, they wanted I shouldn't say nothing and I ain't sayin' nothing only " Fat Mr.

Know any place around here where you can get a drink of the real thing now and then, some place near enough to go joy-riding to, you know? I shall bring my cah of course ! One can get away with a lot more stuff if they have their own cah, you know especially where there's girls. You can't pull off any devilment if you have to depend on hired cahs. You might get caught.