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Since another profession detains us who write this history, and our confidence is not strengthened by what we saw, we have decided, in reporting what we have heard, to exercise restraint.

I took at the same time the liberty to inform you that the great want of money, baggage, clothing, under which both officers and men are suffering, and the hope they had of being furnished with a part of these articles from their States, would render it very inconvenient for the troops to proceed immediately by land; they begin to be sensible of the reason which detains them here, and are uneasy about it, as they are so unprovided for the journey.

Yet the desire to battle for her insulted womanly dignity gained supremacy over every other feeling, and it was she who at last broke the brief, painful silence that had followed his last words, and with a composure won only by the exertion of all her strength of will, she began: "We have both forgotten what detains us here so late at night.

One of these pieces satisfies a beggar when it drops into his hat; and then it detains him long enough in the examination of it, so that your carriage has time to get so far away that his renewed pursuit is usually unavailing.

Letters from Algiers, of August the 24th, inform me, that we had two vessels and their crews in captivity there, at that time. I have never had reason to believe certainly, that any others had been captured. Should Mr. Lambe have occasion to draw bills, while in Spain, on Mr. Adams, you may safely assure the purchasers that they will be paid. An important matter detains Mr.

Loris was walking impatiently up and down his parlor, now looking at the clock, now gazing expectantly through his window up and down the street. "He is late," exclaimed the young man, anxiously. "I wonder what detains him." He began nervously to roll a cigarette, without however leaving his watch at the window. Finally he smiled with satisfaction.

A personage of the story is sitting for a moment in a dark grotto during a night fête in a nobleman's park, when two ladies enter and laughingly proceed to raise their garments and accomplish a natural necessity. The man in the background, suddenly overcome by a sexual impulse, starts forward; one lady runs away, the other, whom he detains, offers little resistance to his advances.

The people were alarmed, all the more since in Upper Egypt, according to signals, the overflow proceeded with regular increase and even promised to be perfect. "What detains it at Memphis then?" asked the anxious earth-tillers waiting for the signal in disquiet.

But then came one of those political crises, in which men ordinarily indifferent to politics rouse themselves to the recollection that the experiment of legislation is not made upon dead matter, but on the living form of a noble country; and in both Houses of Parliament the strength of party is put forth. Harley's hand detains her. "Not so. Share the task, or I quit it.

And raising himself from his lounging position, on her chair, moves as though he would go away from her, having abandoned all hope of having his request acceded to. But as he turns from her, her fingers tighten upon his, and so she detains him. "What is it now?" he asks, coldly, trying to keep up his dignity, but as his glance meets hers, he melts.