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We had seats in the Queen's stand, and after seeing one race we went to lunch with Mr. Delane, who had open table for one hundred people every day. Mr. Delane belongs to the Times newspaper. Baron Rothschild had carte-blanche to bring any guest, or as many as he liked. The Prince of Wales always lunched there, and any one that was of importance was sure to be present.

Indeed, no matter to what side of journalism we turn, we find Irishmen filling the foremost and the highest places. John Thaddeus Delane, under whose editorship the Times became for a time the most influential newspaper in the world, was of Irish parentage.

He had the philosophical temperament. He took things as they came. Great natural phenomena, like Lora Delane Porter, he accepted as part of life. When they were in his life, he endured them stoically. When they went out of it, he got on without them. Marcus Aurelius would have liked William Bannister Winfield. They belonged to the same school of thought.

"It's not her house, and I got a perfect right to be here." "You don't know her. I shall get into trouble." Mamie was pale with apprehension. She knew her Lora Delane Porter, and she knew what would happen if Steve were to be discovered there. It was, as Keggs put it, as much as her place was worth.

For an instant she ceased to be a smoothly working machine and became a woman subject to the dictates of impulse. She turned. Intuition had not deceived her. Ruth had gone over to the enemy. She was in Kirk's arms, holding him to her, her face hidden against his shoulder, for all the world as if Lora Delane Porter, her guiding force, had ceased to exist. Mrs.

Why, of course, I didn't want to be reminded of that old horrible life! I didn't want people to say, 'Mrs. Delane? Who and where is her husband? Is he dead? 'No she's divorced. 'Why? There's! don't you see? all the old vile business over again! So I cut it all!" She paused resuming in another voice hesitating and uncertain,

When Lord Palmerston died, The Times was in its zenith, and its editor, J. T. Delane, had long been used to "shape the whispers" of Downing Street. Lord Russell resented journalistic dictation. "I know," he said, "that Mr. Delane is very angry because I did not kiss his hand instead of the Queen's" The Times became hostile, and a competent critic remarked:"

He became a contributor, and very soon a leading contributor, to the 'Times, while his close and confidential intercourse with Mr. Delane gave him a considerable voice in its management.

Winfield and thrash him." With that he walked out of the room. He directed his cab to the nearest hotel, looked up Kirk's address in the telephone-book, and ten minutes later was ringing the studio bell. A look of relief came into George Pennicut's eyes as he opened the door. To George, nowadays, every ring at the bell meant a possible visit from Lora Delane Porter. "Is Mr.

He was thinking of Delane, whose eye caught his, at the moment of Milnes's embrace.