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"If New England should not charm you, Miss Garnet," Fair hurried his words as they drew near Ravenel and Fannie waiting at the cottage gate "my disappointment would last me all my life." "Why, so it would me," said Barbara, "but I do not expect it. Well, Fannie, Mr. Fair has at last been decoyed into praising his native land. Think of " She hushed.

All sorts of things may have happened to her, things one doesn't like to think about." He moistened his lips, continuing with difficulty. "She may have been decoyed and robbed, or or even something much worse. It's no good shutting one's eyes to the possibility of it." His face betrayed the serious disturbance of his thoughts. For several seconds his aunt went on with her knitting.

Whether he set a trap or not, he has decoyed her don't frown at words and it remains for you to act as I don't doubt you will; but lose no time. Determine. Oh! if I were a man! 'You would muzzle us? 'Muzzle, or anything you please; I would make any one related to me behave honourably. I would give him the alternative . . . 'You foolish girl! suppose he took it? 'I would make him feel my will.

"See, see, my brother is very modest and humble to-day," said Francis, smiling. "This means doubtless that you have come to ask a favor of me, and that, by your kindness and devotedness, you wish to induce me to comply with your request, as a dog is decoyed with cakes and sweets by the thief who intends to steal something from the dog's master."

After we landed some Chinese came and decoyed us to their village, which was at the back of a number of hills and out of sight of the shipping, under a promise that they would let us have some of their country fruit, such as they sent us on board.

To church in the morning, and there saw a wedding in the church, which I have not seen many a day, and the young people so merry with one another, and strange to see what delight we married people have to see these poor fools decoyed into our condition, every man and woman gazing and smiling at them. December 31. Thus ends this year, to my great joy, in this manner.

I made no secret of my purpose. "Are you mad, young man?" she exclaimed. "Mrs. Fielding has already been egregiously imprudent. On the faith of an ancient slight acquaintance with Mrs. Villars in Europe, she suffered herself to be decoyed into a visit.

Whether he set a trap or not, he has decoyed her don't frown at words and it remains for you to act as I don't doubt you will; but lose no time. Determine. Oh! if I were a man! 'You would muzzle us? 'Muzzle, or anything you please; I would make any one related to me behave honourably. I would give him the alternative... 'You foolish girl! suppose he took it? 'I would make him feel my will.

Sir Compton Delaval, an old baronet, with a pedigree as long as a Welshman's, who had been reluctantly decoyed to the feast by his three unmarried daughters not one of whom, however, had hitherto condescended even to bow to the host now rose. It was his right, he was the first person there in rank and station. I can only say, for my part, that I am proud to rank Mr.

"It may be, it may be," answered Hereford, impatiently, "had it been at the sword's point, had they been prisoners by force of arms, I would have joyed too, and felt it was good service; but such rank treachery, decoyed, entrapped by that foul prince of lies, the Lord of Ross faugh! I could have rammed his treachery back into his throat."