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Updated: November 14, 2024
If we had a censor who started a lofty code of morality and propriety all his own, public opinion would not stand him and his code. Suppose we had a censor who considered "Othello" shocking, and an ordinary décolletée dress or an ordinary ballet costume indecent, an outcry would soon be raised against him which would compel him to resign his purposes or his office.
The girl, dressed simply in some light stuff, and scarcely décolletée, seemed somewhat lost in the spaciousness of her surroundings. She made no pretense at preliminary social small talk, going straight to her point. She did this by a repetition of the words with which she had opened the similar conversation at Mountain Brook. "I've something to tell you."
One beautiful young woman, evidently a matron, wore a gown of black gauze, with a row of sparkling crescents, stars, and clusters, about the low line of the corsage. "Isn't she lovely?" whispered Miss Leslie. "She got a French Duke. But she deserved her luck. She's sweet." All were very décolletée.
"A little decolletee, isn't it, my dear?" suggested a lady friend, as the charitable dancer entered the drawing-room. "Perhaps it is a little," she admitted, "but we all of us ought to do all we can for the Cause. Don't you think so, dear?" Really, seeing the amount we give in charity, the wonder is there are any poor left. It is a comfort that there are. What should we do without them?
Mademoiselle de Vermont disliked bright colors, and wore on this occasion a robe of black velvet, of which the 'decolletee' bodice set off the whiteness of her shoulders and her neck, the latter ornamented with a simple band of cherry-colored velvet, without jewels, as was suitable for a young girl.
If he were to read the article, he would be more shocked than he was by her dress. It was even more decolletee than her dress, both had come out a little more decolletee than she had intended. 'I see, he said, 'that you write in this paper. 'A little, I'm doing a series of articles under the title of Bal Blanc. My articles are a success.
"She is the one link between us and your short frocks." "She does not remember my short frocks at all, Lord Henry. But I remember her very well at Vienna thirty years ago, and how décolletée she was then." "She is still décolletée," he answered, taking an olive in his long fingers; "and when she is in a very smart gown she looks like an édition de luxe of a bad French novel.
The audience was otherwise decorous enough to be composed of Welsh Baptist elders and their visiting friends, but in this box there were two young men in evening dress, scuffling with a young woman in dinner decolletee, and what appeared to be diamonds in her ears.
On the other hand, she admitted the payment of a number of visits to Pézon's circus, where they had a lion with a bad reputation, into whose jaw at every performance a décolletée lady put her painted head. For the cordon-bleu hoped that the lion would exhibit disapproval of the paint and powder by chumping off the offending head, and that would have been frightfully thrilling.
Immediately over the shop was a cafe, at the counter of which presided a lady, generally of more than ordinary female attractions, who was very much decolletee, and wore an amount of jewellery which would have made the eye of an Israelite twinkle with delight.
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