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Updated: August 29, 2024

In a more enlightened age than this, Piccadilly Circus will be destroyed and rebuilt merely as a setting for Gilbert's jewel." "The name of Gilbert is honored in this house," went on Mr. Frampton. We were at the time looking at Henry Irving's death-mask which Mr. Frampton had taken, and a replica of which he had just given me.

Moreover it would pronounce decisively on the pretensions of the Kesselstadt Death-Mask, and we should know whether that was from the "flying-mould" after which Gerard Johnson worked, when he sculptured the Bust.

He reached up to hang the big oil lamp he carried to a hook in the log ceiling, and Howland sat amazed at the expression on his face. Jean's great eyes gleamed like living coals from out of a death-mask. Either fear or pain had wrought deep lines in his face. His hands trembled as he steadied the lamp.

The Baron raised his eyebrows with a glance of polite interrogation. "I wonder if Kalonay dared to make love to her on the way down." The Baron's face became as expressionless as a death-mask, and he shrugged his shoulders in protest. " Or did she make love to Kalonay?" the King insisted, laughing gently. "I wonder now. I do not care to know, but I wonder."

There was an elusive charm in the glimpse of profile and in the delicate aquiline features, a certain suggestion of beauty, were it not for the white, drawn look that enveloped them like a death-mask. As I was gazing furtively at her she turned on her side, moaning as only a girl can moan when peace of mind is gone forever. Such sounds were not uncommon in the dormitory.

How many questions, affecting the Bust, the Death-Mask, and these portraits, would be set at rest by the production of Shakespeare's skull! The late Mr. But he had not the courage to express that wish, and after the passage which I am about to quote, abruptly changes the subject.

Even now against the grey curtain of the morning he saw it before him like the phantom of a dream, the face of a severed head or death-mask, crowned on the brows by its stiff black upright hair as by an iron crown.

"It is extremely impertinent of them!" In spite of his misery, a wan smile appeared on Mr. Pett's death-mask at this remark. "They should worry about !" "Peter!" Mr. Pett died again, greatly respected. "Why should the New York papers refer to James at all?" said Mrs. Crocker. "Explain, Peter!" Mr. Pett emerged reluctantly from the cerements. He had supposed that Nesta would do the talking.

Beatrice gave the mask back to Antony, with a little shiver. "It is very wonderful, very strange, but she makes me frightened. What was the story the man told you, Antony?" "No doubt it was all nonsense," Antony replied, "but he said that it was the death-mask of an unknown girl found drowned in the Seine." "Drowned in the Seine!" exclaimed Beatrice, growing almost as white as the image.

On the stairs are a series of fine bas-reliefs by Bandinelli and Giovanni dell' Opera from the old choir screen of the Duomo, and downstairs, among many other pieces of sculpture, is a bust of Brunelleschi from a death-mask and several beautiful della Robbia designs for lunettes over doors. The Campanile and the Baptistery

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