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Ile cure thy ague instantly: I shall, Like some insatiate drunkard of the age, But take a cup to much and next day sleepe An hower more then ordinary. Tho. Heaven and good Angells guard you! Cla. My deare Mother! Mag. My gratious Lady! Lady. What inhumaine creatures Are you that rob me of the priviledge Of wellcome death, which I will run to meet Spight of your malice! Tho.

Whereof the knowledge now at length thorow all the world is blowen. And a little vnder he added: For the Author or the Drawer. He, whose deare natiue soile hight stately Genua. Euen he whose name is Bartholomew Colon de Terra Rubra, The yeere of Grace a thousand and foure hundred and fourescore And eight, and on the thirteenth day of February more, In London published this worke.

Now, my deare sister, having gone as farr towards satisfieing all y'r queerys as my paper wou'd welle permitt, I will say no more but to begg you to send me all ye knews, and to believe that none can be more affectionately y'r humble servant than your brother." In this extract we have strong ground for supposing that our Matthew truly loved the player-girl, and meant honestly by his sweetheart.

Therefore I hope you will not give me the paines to goe; and so I rest, your affectionate mother, HENRIETTE MARIE." The letter was addressed "To MI DEARE SONNE the Prince." The queen must have taken special pains with this her first letter to her son, for, with all its faults of orthography, it is very much more correct than most of the epistles which she attempted to write in English.

Upon condition, sir, you will requite me But with one gentle favour. Cou. Any thing Sis. You must sitt downe and heare me then while I At a distance thus deliver Cou. Tis more state. Sis. I am most unfortunate. Cou. In what, deare Damsell? Sis. And much wrongd by a gentleman I lov'd. Cou. Can he be a gentleman that dares Wrong so much love and beauty? what's the offence? Sis. He wo'not love agen.

Most excellent Prince, most deare brother and friend, by those things which the worthy ambassador of your excellency declared vnto vs, we haue vnderstood how kindly it would be taken, if we should send to your excellency an ambassador from vs, with commandement and instructions.

For often the liberalitie of those savage was seene executed, but the desire brings great booty, and observance causes that covetousnesse will prove deare to the ffrench as to the Hurrons in few days. Presently they procure some boats, ffor the Iroquoits had but eleven and the hurrons none, for they came in the ffrench shallope.

After we mourned enough for the death of our deare countrymen that weare slained coming up, we take leave of each other with promise of amitie & good correspondence one with another, as for the continuance of peace, as for the assistance of strength, if the enemy should make an assault. That they should not goe to the french without giving notice one to another & soe goe together.

When Psyches had heard these words she sighed sorrowfully and said, O deare husband this long time have you had experience and triall of my faith, and doubt you not that I will persever in the same, wherefore command your winde Zephyrus, that hee may doe as hee hath done before, to the intent that where you have charged me not to behold your venerable face, yet that I may comfort myself with the sight of my sisters.

The event of the day in her society was the death of Lady Holland, about which there were a good many lamentations, of which Lady T gave the real significance, with considerable naïveté: "Ah, poore deare Ladi Ollande! It is a grate pittie; it was suche a pleasant 'ouse!"