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Smith attended the lecture, cheerfully paying two dollars for the privilege, but refraining from dampening his wife's joy by mentioning the fact. In the afternoon he broached the Horse Show. Maria's face paled. To her it meant an exaggerated county fair, with its attendant fatigue. "You go, Henry," she urged. "You jest go an' enjoy yourself. I feel too tired I really do.

Feeling certain that popular opinion would be with him in case he decided to lead in this struggle, I was convinced that the delay in announcing his attitude toward the Smith-Nugent "defi" was dampening the ardour and enthusiasm of many of his friends.

I think the poor woman's knees gave way under her. "Hurrah!" I shouted to Rosemary, but looking directly at the Countess. "We're celebrating!" Whereupon the girl that was left in the Countess rose to the occasion and she pirouetted with graceful abandon before me, in amazing contrast to my jumping-jack efforts. Only Blake's reserved and somewhat dampening admonition brought me to my senses.

Elizabeth looked tearful, but she did not resent his dictum; David's lack of sympathy had been very dampening to romance. It was just at the end that the gunpowder flared. "Now, remember, I don't want you to be foolish Elizabeth." "I don't think being in love is foolish, Uncle." "Love! What do you know about love? You are nothing but a silly little girl."

Instinctively Henderson felt that the shore would attract her. There was something in the tumult of rough little Huron's waves that called to him. It was there he found her, crouching so close the water the foam was dampening her skirts. "May I stay?" he asked. "I have been hoping you would come," she answered. "It's bad enough when you are here, but it is a little easier than bearing it alone."

Mary repaired dolefully upstairs to take away the hot water, and shroud the furniture in dust-sheets; even the tweeny felt a sudden dampening of spirits, while in the dining-room the mistress of her house sat at her solitary meal with anger smouldering in her heart!

The Indians carried his goods by relays and then passed him on with guttural certificates as to character, to other red men, and at last he reached New York without the loss of a pelt or the dampening of his ardor. Bowne was delighted. To young Astor it was nothing. He had in his blood the success corpuscle.

The collie trotted gravely along, just in front of him, pausing once in a while, as if to make certain the man was following. The silence and gloom and sinister solemnity of the place had had a dampening effect on the dog's gay spirits. The backward glances at his self-chosen master were for reassuring himself, rather than for guidance.

It was but a glimpse, and was soon lost. The postilion covered the worn-out lace of his shabby livery with a heavy cloak, which he flung over his shoulder to keep out the dampening air, gave a series of wild flourishes with his whip, broke into guttural explosions of voice to urge along his horses, and on we went full-gallop. The road grew more and more populated as we approached the city.

To say the least, Red Gilbat's crazy assurance was dampening to the ardor of the most blindly confident fans. At length Umpire Fuller waved his hand, enjoining silence and calling time. "Take it off or I'll fine you." From his lofty height Gilbat gazed down upon the little umpire, and it was plain what he thought. "What do I care for money!" replied Red. "That costs you twenty-five," said Fuller.