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I mustered the entire caravan outside the tembe, our flags and streamers were unfurled, the men had their loads resting on the walls, there was considerable shouting, and laughing, and negroidal fanfaronnade. The Arabs had collected from curiosity's sake to see us off all except Sheikh bin Nasib, whom I had offended by my asinine opposition to his wishes.

Never before had Amuel felt such misgivings as he went his postman's rounds, never before had he so much feared the day that took him up to the wold and the lonely house, while snug by the fire his wife looked pleasurably forward to curiosity's gratification and hoped to have news ere nightfall that all the gossips of the village would envy.

After supper I demanded where I could rest: whereupon the host pointed to a trap-door in the roof, saying that above there was a loft where I could sleep by myself, and have clean straw. For curiosity's sake, I asked whether there was such a thing as a bed in the cabin. "No," replied the man; "nor nearer than Corcuvion.

"Well, drop it into the fire now, and no more about it. Pray, after all, Harry, for curiosity's sake, what faults have you?" "Dear sir, I thought you told me you knew them by heart." "I always forget what I learn by heart; put me in mind, and may be I'll recollect as you go on." "Well, sir, in the first place, I am terribly passionate."

"I want to borrow a hundred thousand pounds." "Scott! Come, who are you?" "Nobody that you know." "What is your name?" "Cecil Rhodes." "No, I don't remember hearing the name before. Now then just for curiosity's sake what has sent you to me on this extraordinary errand?" "The intention to make a hundred thousand pounds for you and as much for myself within the next sixty days." "Well, well, well.

"Rather too quiet, sir," said the good woman, "one would wish to have more visitors." "I suppose," said I, "people from Llangollen occasionally come to visit you." "Sometimes, sir, for curiosity's sake; but very rarely the way is very steep." "Do the Tylwyth Teg ever pay you visits?" "The Tylwyth Teg, sir?" "Yes; the fairies.

But all these tales are mixed up with obvious fable, with accounts of places where there was never any illness or infirmity, and people lived for ever, and drank delicious wine and laughed all day, and we cannot certify to an atom of historic truth in them. Still more interesting, if only for curiosity's sake, are weird stories that have been unearthed among the early records of the Chinese.

They had gone together for curiosity's sake to a "militant" meeting in London. A lady, slight in figure, with dark eyes and hair, had spoken on the "economic independence of women" as the only path to the woman's goal of "equal rights" with men. She had spoken with passion, and Marion's sore heart had leapt to answer her. That lady was Gertrude Marvell.

"This happy turn," said the old man, "things might have taken with us many years ago, but you at that time despised it. In whatever I can be of service to you, you may safely reckon upon me. But now I will, for curiosity's sake, take another look at my papers, to see whether they contain any account of this debt."

H.A.C.: "Oh well, in a way I suppose " T.A.: "'Ow many are there of yer?" H.A.C.: "About eight hundred." T.A.: "An' they say yer volunteered!" H.A.C.: "Yes, we did." "Blimey, yer must be mad!" For curiosity's sake I asked some of my mates to give me their reasons for enlisting.