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"Oh, then, if she's quite ill, it's right that her father should know it, in ordher that a docther may be sent for." "Ah, but she's now asleep, Cummiskey that sleep may set her to rights; she may waken quite recovered; but you know it might be dangerous to disturb her."

The next morning he and Cummiskey started for Sligo, and, as usual, when they reached the jail the turnkey was about to conduct the squire to Sir Robert's room, when the former turned and said: "I wish to see Mr. Reilly; lead me to his cell." "Reilly, sir!" exclaimed the man in astonishment. "Are you sure, sir, it's not Sir Robert Whitecraft you want?"

"Stand up, sir," proceeded this daring and animated young man, addressing Mr. Folliard; "and you, Cummiskey, get to your legs. No person shall dare to injure either of you while I am here. O'Donnel stain and disgrace to a noble name begone, you and your ruffians.

The companions of the Rapparee could not avoid laughing at the comic courage displayed by Cummiskey, and were about to intercede for him, when O'Donnel, which was his name, stamped with fury on the ground and asked them if they dared to disobey him. This sobered them at once, and in less than a minute Mr.

Begone, Cummiskey, it is not so, it can't be, I say: search again; she is somewhere in the house; you don't know, sirra, how she loved me: why, it was only this night that, on taking her good-night kiss, she ha what? what? she wept, she wept bitterly, and bade me farewell! and said Here, Cummiskey, assist me to dress.

But in the meantime I will shoot him dead dead dead if he had a thousand lives; and from this night out I shall pursue Popery, in all its shapes and disguises; I will imprison it, transport it, hang it hang it, Cummiskey, as round as a hoop.

"Cummiskey," he proceeded, "we will pursue them we must have my darling back: yes, and I will forgive her, for what is she but a child, Cummiskey, not yet twenty.

"This is a very lonely spot, your honor," said his servant, whose name was Andrew, or, as he was more familiarly called, Andy Cummiskey. "Yes, but it's the safer, Andy," replied his master. "There is not a human habitation within miles of us." "It doesn't follow, sir, that this place, above all others in the neighborhood, is not, especially at this hour, without some persons about it.

"All, my poor girl," replied Cummiskey, shaking his head sorrowfully; "I pity her there; but the thing's impossible they can't be married the law is against them." "Weel, Andy, they must e'en thole it; but 'am thinkin' they'll just break bounds at last, an' tak' the law, as you Irish do, into their am hands."

"Faith, I'm afraid you are not far from the truth, Cummiskey," replied his master; "however, I am going to make arrangements with him, to see what can be done for the unfortunate man." "If you'll take my advice, sir, you'll have nothing to do with him. Keep your hand out o' the pot; there's no man can skim boiling lead with his hand and not burn his fingers but a tinker."