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"Ah, what desecration!" exclaimed my mother. "Keep your regrets for the sufferings of living people, my good lady," said La Croissette. "Stones have no feeling, and are not prone to revenge insult. 'Tis said, walls have ears.

Nor are your feet in good condition for walking." "That has been provided for," said Antoine. "As soon as we get to the waterside we shall find a boat awaiting us, which will carry us to Bordeaux." "But you are some way from the water. "Yes, but I have a cart." We then parted, La Croissette kissing me on both cheeks with the utmost kindness; and I turned away with Antoine.

Why, if our priests are to be believed, those of them, even the very worst, who have money enough to pay for masses and indulgences, may buy themselves off from purgatory, and shine in glory with the best." "Does not that carry incredibility and absurdity on the very face of it?" "It seems very hard on the poor man who can't buy himself off," said La Croissette.

Many things are done in Nismes that the authorities know nothing of, for all their vigilance. Now we are fairly outside the city, and, with ordinary good luck, shall perform our night-journey in safety." "With God's blessing we may," said I. "Make that proviso with all my heart," said La Croissette. "some trust in Providence and some in luck. I have nothing to say against either.

"Then, again," pursued La Croissette, "that worthy old Monsieur Laccassagne, unable to stand the deprivation of sleep any longer, has conformed " "Has he, though!" cried my father, with a start. "Oh, how sad a fall!" "Outwardly, only outwardly," said La Croissette. "The poor old gentleman was driven almost out of his senses by that deafening drumming. 'You shall have rest now, said the bishop.

Then La Croissette, looking back at me, said, "There are certainly good people on both sides. That poor wretch to whom we gave the loaf was undoubtedly a good Huguenot; she would rather starve and die than abjure her faith. But here, again, are a family of Catholics, who are good, too, and believed every word I said, and liberally supplied my wants."

When I came to, Madeleine and the needle-seller, whose name was La Croissette, were conveying me between them; or, in fact, he was chiefly carrying me, and she supporting my feet. I said, "Set me down, I'll try to walk," but found I could not. Then she said, "Wait here; I'll run on a little, and find where Gabrielle is." I would have stayed her, but she was gone.

"You Huguenots, then, don't believe in it?" "Most assuredly not. God accepts no prayers that do not spring from a lowly and contrite heart: and they may be offered by a poor man as well as a rich one." "But does not a poor man's soul require those purgatorial fires?" "Oh no, my dear La Croissette! The Son of God told of no purgatory only of heaven and hell.

"Not knowing that you, respected sir, and you, madame, were here to look after the younger persons, I ventured to do so myself, to bid them beware of their neighbors." "That was very friendly, and I thank you heartily for it," said my father. "Shall you remain here long?" said La Croissette. "That depends entirely on circumstances." "Doubtless you are hiding from the dragoons."

The common people are being driven to church at the sword's point, and conforming by shoals. The gentry give more trouble, but end by coming round." "Some may some weak-hearted persons," said my father, reluctantly. "Well, they may be weak-hearted; I'm sure I should be, in their place," said La Croissette. "In fact, what is it? a mere form.