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Emerging from the galleries we met General Dubois, a great soldier and a kindly man, one who shares the daily perils of his men. The General invited us to remain and dine with him. He had that day received from General Nivelle his "cravate" as Commander of the Legion of Honour, and his officers were giving him a dinner-party to celebrate the event.

Les habits, son jabot de dentelle, sa cravate blanche rappelaient un vieillard de la fin du r�gne de Louis XV; ses mani�res �taient celles d'un homme de bonne compagnie. Habituellement r�serv� et d'un naturel craintif jusqu'� la m�fiance, il ne se livrait qu'avec ses intimes ou les �trangers de passageFrancfort.

Emerging from the galleries we met General Dubois, a great soldier and a kindly man, one who shares the daily perils of his men. The General invited us to remain and dine with him. He had that day received from General Nivelle his cravate as Commander of the Legion of Honour, and his officers were giving him a dinner-party to celebrate the event. "See how kind fate is to me," he added.

I know much about them, but should be glad to be fully equipped. From the Duc d'Aumale Chantilly, 9 juin. Bon! tres cher ami, nous irons, s'il plait a Dieu, ensemble a Oxford, le 17, par 9.55 en cravate blanche. Je compte arriver le 14 au soir a Claridge's, ou je serai present le lundi, 15, de 10 a midi, et de 6 a 7; le mardi, 16, de 10 a midi.

Officers of the splendid Maison du Roi and the Royale Cravate, in magnificent uniforms, glided about; nobles in their rich dress, the sunlight catching their small swords and burnishing them to glittering brightness, skated hither and thither; now and then in the crowd was seen some beautiful woman on skates or more frequently wrapped in furs and being pushed luxuriously about in a chair-sleigh by lackeys and attended by a retinue of admirers.

Water was dripping from the gilded eagle, and the tattered, shot-riddled tri-color, on which were embroidered the names of former victories, was stained and its bright hues dimmed by the smoke of many a battlefield; the sole bit of brilliant color in all the faded splendor was the enameled cross of honor that was attached to the cravate.

He simply called the attendants to him and asked for his table to be moved forward a yard, as he did not feel inclined to sit at table with his helmet on. An excellent dinner soup, roast mutton, fresh beans, salade Russe, Frangipane, dessert and even champagne to celebrate the General's cravate quite reassured us that people may die in Verdun of shells but not of hunger.

He simply called the attendants to him and asked for his table to be moved forward a yard, as he did not feel inclined to sit at table with his helmet on. An excellent dinner soup, roast mutton, fresh beans, salade Russe, frangipane, dessert and even champagne to celebrate the General's cravate quite reassured us that people may die in Verdun of shells but not of hunger.