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The inanimate universe rests absolutely on the life-circuit of living creatures, is built upon the arch which spans the duality of living beings. This is going rather far, for a book nay, a booklet on the child consciousness. But it can't be helped. Child-consciousness it is. And we have to roll away the stone of a scientific cosmos from the tomb-mouth of that imprisoned consciousness.

Everywhere in all worlds, throughout the whole cosmos, Souls are speaking through the material medium of the brain, souls that may not inhabit this world at all, but that may be as far away from us as the last star visible to the strongest telescope.

One may evade the difficulty, as Helmholtz did, by regarding life as eternal that it had no beginning in time; or, as some other German biologists have done, that the entire cosmos is alive and the earth a living organism. If biogenesis is true, and always has been true, no life without antecedent life, then the question of a beginning is unthinkable.

This law of evolution is equally applicable to all orders of phenomena, "astronomic, geologic, biologic, psychologic, sociologic, etc.," since these are all component parts of one cosmos, though disguised from one another by conventional groupings. It is obvious that, so long as evolution is merely established by induction, it belongs, not to philosophy, but to science.

The present living idea informing the cosmos, is nobler than all forsaken perfection nobler, as a living man is nobler than an automaton. If one should say: "The laws of God ought to admit of no change," I answer: The same working of unalterable laws might under new circumstances look a breach of those laws.

Why should not these worlds be inhabited by a race equal or even superior in intelligence to ourselves, according to their place in the cosmos of creation?

The chief of these agreed in position with lines of hydrogen; so that the immediate cause of the outburst was inferred to have been the eruption, or ignition, of vast masses of that subtle kind of matter, the universal importance of which throughout the cosmos is one of the most curious facts revealed by the spectroscope. Nine days after its discovery it was again invisible to the naked eye.

"Nothing," replied he. "He denies that he has even spoken to her for nearly a year. Apparently he has no interest in the case. And yet I cannot quite believe that Lawton is as uninterested as he seems. I know that he has often spoken about her to members of the Cosmos Club where he lives, and that he reads practically everything that the newspapers print about the case."

The cosmos went on for ever, but not in its wildest constellation could there be anything really interesting; anything, for instance, such as forgiveness or free will. The grandeur or infinity of the secret of its cosmos added nothing to it. It was like telling a prisoner in Reading gaol that he would be glad to hear that the gaol now covered half the county.

Now you know der formula of der strength of der orang-outang it is more as seven to one in relation to man. But Bertran, he haf killed Bimi mit sooch dings as Gott gif him. Dot was der miracle. The infernal clamour in the cage recommenced. 'Aha! Dot friend of ours haf still too much Ego in his Cosmos. Be quiet, dou! Hans hissed long and venomously.