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For, he says, he considered that all the parts of the Fire, both visible and invisible, possessed perception and a portion of intelligence. The generable cosmos, therefore, was generated from the ingenerable Fire. And it commenced to be generated, he says, in the following way.

The whole nexus of conditions and results, the inclined plane of evolution and the power of Being to move up it, has its sufficient reason in the nature and original state of the cosmos, in the constitution of itsmatter,” itsenergy,” its laws, its sequences and the grouping of its phenomena. Only from beginnings so constituted could our present world have come to be as it is, and that necessarily. Only because the primary possibility and fitness for lifevegetable, animal and humanwas in it from the beginning, could all these have come to be. This primary possibility did notcome into being,” it was

No giant's body could be in proportion to the earth, but a little spirit is equal to the entire cosmos, to earth and ocean, sun and star-hollow. These are but a few acres to it. Were the cosmos twice as wide, the soul could run over it, and return to itself in a time so small, no measure exists to mete it.

Was there a nugget of forgotten gold in his cosmos, and had she discovered it? She still trusted him, for he had sensed it in the quick but tender touch of her hands upon his throbbing wounds. To learn, after all these years, that he had been a coward! To have run away from misfortune instead of facing it and beating it down! Pearls! All he had left! And when he found them, what then?

The origin of all we see in the world and in the entire Cosmos is, then, in God; and as regards the adjustments of our globe and its relations, and the actual life-forms in plant and animal, they came into existence pursuant to groups of types or designs, made by the Divine Mind, and declared by Him from His Throne in heaven, in six several days periods of the rotation of our earth.

Morality is not, like imagination, something we can shape at will; it is imposed upon us from without, like sensation. It is imposed by the same cosmos that set our consciousness into relation with a given kind of body in a given world. Submission to it is simply submission to the laws of our own natures.

And this fairy-tale sentiment also sank into me and became my sentiment towards the whole world. I felt and feel that life itself is as bright as the diamond, but as brittle as the window-pane; and when the heavens were compared to the terrible crystal I can remember a shudder. I was afraid that God would drop the cosmos with a crash.

These lectures are what is known as the Cosmos, and present a scientific picture of the world of infinite diversity in unity; of ceaseless motion in the eternal grasp of law.

They are the building-up and the disintegrating forces of the whole cosmos and mark this well! they are all, when unimprisoned, directed by a governing will-power. You, in your present state of existence, are simply an organised Form, composed of these atoms, and your will- power, which is part of the Divine creative influence, is set within you to govern them.

He seems protesting against the few hours' idleness, and anxious to get back to the strenuous life. The sitter was good enough to say that the portrait was of "a mad labourer" not an unfair criticism of a very good portrait. The Biblical Paintings are, as before said, in partial fulfilment of the frustrated scheme of "Cosmos."