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A spoonful of it mixed in melted butter will make a fine fish sauce. It may also be used to flavour gravy. These vinegars will be found very useful, at times when the articles with which they are flavoured cannot be conveniently procured. Care should be taken to have the bottles that contain them accurately labelled, very tightly corked, and kept in a dry place.

Then he wrote the name of his betrothed, his own name, and that of the ship. Then he put the leaf in an empty bottle that happened to be at hand, corked it down tightly, and threw it into the foaming sea.

When Sandy returned, after an hour of futile stalking, two fresh tracks led straight down to the canoe. He looked at them in amazement and then a sinister grin wrinkled his ugly face. He chuckled as he went to his kit and dug out a small rubber bag. From this he drew a tightly corked bottle, filled with gelatine capsules. In each little capsule were five grains of strychnine.

There was a general gasp of surprise. It had not occurred to anybody in the crowd that simple trick of inquiring about somebody who wasn't ten thousand miles away. The magician was hit hard; it was an emergency that had never happened in his experience before, and it corked him; he didn't know how to meet it. He looked stunned, confused; he couldn't say a word.

"But there must be some way out, boys." "Light is the first requisite," agreed Jack, more cheerfully. "Got any matches, Andy?" "Plenty of 'em in a corked flask. I don't ever travel without matches, son," returned the old hunter. "But matches won't show us the way to Roebach's camp," complained Mark. "Don't croak, old boy," advised Jack.

What kind of literature can one keep corked up for twenty years?" Wade surprised him. "The real kind, I should say. But I don't know Winterman's line," the doctor added. "He speaks of the things he used to write merely as 'stuff that wouldn't sell. He has a wonderfully confidential way of not telling one things.

I must get you to tell me all about it, some time or another here, steward, hang it all, man, this sherry is corked! Bring me another bottle!"

There was one at breakfast about my cat and another at lunch about the wine. He fancied it was corked." Olivia had perceived clearly that since Elizabeth Twitcher had been a witness of her husband's outburst about Grey, it would be merely foolish not to be frank about it. "But the last matter was very much more serious than the matter of the cat or the wine," said Mr. Flexen.

Look at this fellow in whom conscience is operating so that he appears like a corked volcano! You can see that he takes Austrian money; his skin has got to be the exact colour of Munz. He has the greenish-yellow eyes of those elective, thrice-abhorred vampyres who feed on patriot-blood. He is condemned without trial by his villanous countenance, like an ungrammatical preface to a book.

The bottles were then corked, and any or all of them politely offered to us at the rate of 30s a piece. We declined purchasing, but he sold them all during the evening, for which we were rather glad, as, had they been discovered by the officials in our tent, a fine of 50 pounds would have been the consequence of our foolish comrades good-nature and joke-loving propensities.