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Here was a brave, young fellow, with the heart of a lion, who had faced death in various shapes but an hour or so previously who had within the brief space of two days engaged hand to hand in the most dreadful encounters with the enemy, without experiencing the slightest sense of fear, or condescending to yield a single inch of ground where he had set down his foot here, we say, we see him succumb at once, and rendered as helpless as a child at the mere mention of a woman, and the assurance of her safety, although not by any means thoroughly satisfied of her being in anything like imminent danger.

He had conjured up to himself in Lord Montfort the apparition of a haughty Whig peer, proud of his order, prouder of his party, and not over-prejudiced in favour of one who had quitted those sacred ranks, freezing with arrogant reserve and condescending politeness.

The young Count of Eberstein, who, to use his own phrase, was "sadly involved," and consequently desirous of being appointed a forest Councillor, thought that he should secure his appointment by condescending to notice the person whom he delicately styled "the Minister's female relative."

It is finer and braver to go on with it and attain at least the satisfaction of a wish fulfilled. "But," some one objects, "how about your obligations to others? Suppose by doing the thing you wish, you will harm them?" This little lady's answer to such an objection is usually accompanied by a shrug and a mildly condescending expression.

Then if God be, as he is, perfectly good, must he not be perfectly condescending ready and willing to stoop to man, and all the more ready and the more willing, the more weak, ignorant, and sinful this man is? In fact, the greater need man has of God, the more certain is it that God will help him in that need.

A little ragamuffin held up his hand. The M.P. demanded silence as the apt scholar proceeded with his answer. ‘Why were the rushes strewed?’ said the M.P. in a condescending tone. I don’t know,’ replied the boy, ‘unless it was to hull the dickey down.’

"You know," said the custodian, with condescending familiarity, "these mortals worship what they call 'curios' and the 'antique, and 'is lordship gave a matter of fifty pounds for that same lanthern. That's what the modern folk come 'ere to see like as ye." "Oi've an old three-legged stool in Whitechapel oi'll let his lordship 'ave cheap for five quid," suggested the humorist.

This the intention, your father so set upon your compliance, so much in hopes that you would have yielded, that you would have been prevailed upon by methods so condescending and so gentle; no wonder that he, in particular, was like a distracted man, when he heard of your flight of your flight so premeditated; with your ivy summer-house dinings, your arts to blind me, and all of us!

"That opinion will recommend you to Doctor Bottesham," replied Parkhurst; "and since I have smoothed the way for you, you will find him very affable and condescending. He has often heard me speak of your master; and if it were not for his dislike of Doctor Hodges, whom he might accidentally encounter, he would call upon him."

After a short general conversation, he began, "My dear friend, here has happened the unluckiest thing in nature. You have made some advances, you know, to the charming Delia." "True," cried Prettyman, "I have bestowed upon her a few condescending glances. C'est une charmante fille." "Well," added sir William, "and the whole town gives her to you." "Parbleu! the town is very impertinent.