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'Yes, he isn't rich. When he went to Bulgaria he collected some relics left of his father's property, and his aunt helps him; but it all comes to very little. 'He must have a great deal of character, observed Elena. 'Yes. He is a man of iron. And at the same time you will see there is something childlike and frank, with all his concentration and even his reserve.

At a certain moment the pressure will cease to increase and will remain at a fixed value which now has a given direction. This is the osmotic pressure. Pfeffer demonstrated that, for the same substance, the osmotic pressure is proportional to the concentration, and consequently in inverse ratio to the volume occupied by a similar mass of the solute.

He early seized a great truth that of the claim of every human being to the full development of his faculties, whatever they may be; and the concentration of his strongest powers on this great truth made him a social reformer of a high order.

Miss Craven was possessed of the unfeminine attribute of holding her tongue and reserving her comments. She refrained from comment now, rocking gently backward and forward on her heels a habit associated with mental concentration. "I shall take the child to the Towers," he continued at length, "and there I shall want your help, Aunt Caro."

To him, trained though he was in deep concentration on one idea, the process of visualizing a series of ideas was new, and very difficult. But he soon saw that he was making some progress. "We came in response to no signals exploration only we saw the battle and aided because your city seemed doomed, and because it seemed too beautiful to be destroyed."

Of what value, then, were my notions on matters demanding far greater concentration of thought? Accuracy I fancied might be acquired, but I was mistaken. It is a gift as much as the art of writing sublime poetry. I struggled and struggled with pencil and precis, but I did not improve.

If he endowed misers with incredible concentration of will, it is because they have some mysterious purpose to achieve. I repeat it, all forces have and must have their expansion, all well-directed passions their fruitful issues.

He reached it on February 17, 1865. The intended concentration of the South at Augusta was broken up. The retreating Confederates set fire to great stores of cotton and the unfortunate city was burnt, a calamity for which the South, by a natural but most unjust mistake, blamed Sherman.

The other Brother went on in a little glow of pleasure, Arnold turned back into the chapel, carrying, it seemed to him, a woman's life in his hand. He took his seat and folded his arms almost eagerly; there was a light of concentration in his eye and a line of compression about his lips which had not marked his meditation upon Nourendra Lal.

Observing her eyes fixed and as if sightless for the concentration on her purpose took all expression out of them Heyst imagined it to be the effect of a great mental effort. "No use asking me what he meant, Lena; I don't know, and I did not ask him. The gentleman, as I have told you before, seems devoted to mystification.