United States or Guinea-Bissau ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Those who have known me in my latter years might be loath to believe it, but one of my boyhood nick-names I had several, and none of them was complimentary but all of them were graphic was Bonesy. At sixteen, by striping myself in alternate whites and blacks, I could have hired out for a surveyor's rod.

"It might be a mercy sometimes, Senora," said Don Caesar, with a grave sigh, as he looked at the delicate features before him, which recalled the face of the absent Mamie. "That's not very complimentary," said the younger girl, laughingly; "for pa didn't recognize us, and only remembered us as little girls."

Now, for many years our international relations have been uncommonly smooth, oiled every few days by complimentary banquet speeches, and sweetened by abundance of magazine and newspaper "taffy." Something too much of "taffy" we have thought was given us at times for, in getting bigger in various ways, we have grown more modest.

'Mais, Madame cried David, bewildered by these directions, and trying to detain her. But she was already half-way down the flight below them, throwing back remarks which, to judge from their tone, were not complimentary. There was no help for it. Louie was dropping with fatigue, and beginning to be much out of temper. David with difficulty assumed a hopeful air, and up they went again.

All the while he visioned Cis's surprise and delight over the tarts. He even anticipated some complimentary remark from Big Tom. "I'll get a merit badge," he vowed, "even if I have t' do a lot o' things I hate!" Luckily Cis arrived ahead of her stepfather.

He pretended great dejection upon learning that her heart was already engaged; and declared that his only consolation lay in the fact that the happy possessor of the prize was myself: for which we both liked him exceedingly. Toward Mrs. Faringfield, too, he used a chivalrous gallantry as complimentary to her husband as to the lady.

You were more complimentary a little while ago." "You imagine more rudeness than even I am capable of inventing." "That is saying much. Why did you change the subject just now?" "Because I saw that you were annoyed at something. Besides, we were talking about myself, if I remember rightly." "Have you never heard that a man should always talk to a woman about himself or herself?" "No.

There were readings and recitations; young ladies sang drawing-room songs or played the violin; tableaux were displayed or a polite farce was performed; a complimentary speech wound up the entertainment; and then the performers withdrew again for several months into the aloofness of their residences, while the poor got through their winter evenings as best they could, in their mean cottages or under the lamp outside the public-house.

That is complimentary, I must say," grinned Will, getting up from his seat on the porch and going over to join Roy on the railing. "After being away for months we are told the minute we get back that we've 'spoiled everything. " "'Tis rather hard lines," said Mollie with an answering grin. "But one must tell the truth, you know."

The Signal published every week glowing accounts of the prosperity of the town. The most amazing information appeared from week to week concerning the growth of sentiment in favour of suffrage for women. The locals were filled with complimentary notices of the comings and goings of country matrons and country belles who had never seen their names in print before.