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They two alone? Mr. Colthurst was a very clever man, and a rising member of parliament. He had a quick eye at discerning character, and was struck by a remark which Mr. Thornton made at dinner-time. He enquired from Edith who that gentleman was; and, rather to her surprise, she found, from the tone of his 'Indeed! that Mr.

He often said to me: 'The system of small farms will not last long in Ireland, for the occupiers are sure to strike against rents. He did not live to see the fulfilment of his prophecy, but its effects were felt by his grandson, Sir George Colthurst, who inherited his property. Most of his stories were very improper, but their wit excused them.

The following communication is the monthly report for March, 1837, of Major J.B. Colthurst, special justice for District A., Rural Division, Barbadoes. The general conduct of the apprentices since my last report has been excellent, considering that greater demands have been made upon their labor at this moment to save perhaps the finest crop of canes ever grown in the island.

The advantages were mutual: we were both unconsciously and consciously teaching each other. 'You say "were." I trust you are intending to pursue the same course? 'I must stop Colthurst, said Henry Lennox, hastily. And by an abrupt, yet apropos question, he turned the current of the conversation, so as not to give Mr.

The citizens, however, declined the bargain, and the building passed from the hammer of the auctioneer to that of the house-breaker. Stripped of all that was saleable, the shell passed into the possession of one Edmund Colthurst, who made a present of it to the town. For forty years it remained practically a heap of ruins.

Thornton the mortification of acknowledging his want of success and consequent change of position. But as soon as the newly-started subject had come to a close, Mr. Thornton resumed the conversation just where it had been interrupted, and gave Mr. Colthurst the reply to his inquiry. 'I have been unsuccessful in business, and have had to give up my position as a master.

The magistrates represented the negroes as naturally confiding and docile, yielding readily to the authority of those who are placed over them. Maj. Colthurst presides over a district of 9,000 apprentices; Capt. Hamilton over a district of 13,000, and Mr. Galloway over the same number. There are but three days in the week devoted to hearing and settling complaints.

He referred me to Major Colthurst. I saw him and promised that for the privilege we would sing glees, part songs, etc., while the officers were at mess each evening. We had the use of the deck during the remainder of the voyage. We had a very pleasant run for three days, when we reached Bermuda. The steamer went to her dock at Boaz Island for the purpose of coaling, and remained three days.

But how your cheeks are flushed with the heat, poor child! But only think what that tiresome Henry has done; really, he exceeds brother-in-law's limits. Just when my party was made up so beautifully fitted in so precisely for Mr. Colthurst there has Henry come, with an apology it is true, and making use of your name for an excuse, and asked me if he may bring that Mr.

Had I been able to obtain a reasonably large farm near Dingle, I should never have become a land agent, and I most certainly should never have given evidence before any Commission. In default of adequate land accommodation, I embarked on my profession by becoming assistant land agent to my brother-in-law, the Knight of Kerry, who was agent to Sir George Colthurst.