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These words seemed to revive all Don Vigilio's anxious passion. He waved his trembling hand, and replied: "He? Oh, he's too clever, too skilful by far to have taken the robe. But he comes from that Collegio Romano where his generation grew up, and he there imbibed that Jesuit genius which adapted itself so well to his own.

The school teacheth, that canonicus qui jurat se servaturum statuta edita in aliquo collegio, non tenetur ex juramenta ad servandum futura; the canon law judgeth, that qui jurat servare statuta edita, &c., non tenetur ex juramento ad novitur edita. Sect. 8. But we are more fully to consider that ground whereby the Bishop thinketh to purge himself, and those of his sect, of the breach of the oath.

Numbers of such ancient Roman weights of stone, similarly inscribed, may be seen in the Kircherian Museum in the Collegio Romano. One specimen bears an inscription which signifies that, by the authority of Augustus, the weight was preserved in the temple of the goddess Ops, the wife of Saturn, and one of the most ancient deities of Italy, where the public money was deposited.

Having thus acknowledged the only power he was at all disposed to recognize as above himself, he would scatter acts of political grace in a sardonic wantonness of clemency. There was no other way left now to enjoy his power but by seeing his crushed adversaries crawl impotently into the light of day out of the dark, noisome cells of the Collegio.

Look at the speaking portrait of the artist by his own hand which hangs on the wall of the Collegio dell' arti del Cambio in Perugia, the walls of which are covered with immortal frescoes by him.

Popular fury was accordingly directed against the Marquis de Bedemar; and so fierce were the menaces of summary vengeance that the ambassador was forced to protest his innocence before the Collegio, more in the spirit of one deprecating punishment than defying accusation.

"Then wherefore hath the Signoria created this office of Teologo Consultore, and appointed thereto this friar of the Servi, of whom they tell such marvels as if the Collegio, with all our learned chancellors, were not enough!" "Leave thou these matters to the Signoria, who, verily, know how to rule ay, and how to choose; for the man is like none other."

In this room, for example, we find Tiepolo allegorizing Venice as the conqueror of the sea. And now for the jewel of art in the Doges' Palace. It is in the room opposite the door by which we entered the ante-room of the Sala del Collegio and it faces us, on the left as we enter: the "Bacchus and Ariadne" of Tintoretto.

Through his power at court he had the lover sent away to the mainland, and for more than a year he held his daughter closely imprisoned in his palace on the Toledo, that one, you may remember, on the right, just beyond the Via del Collegio dei Gesuiti, with the beautiful iron-work grilles at all the windows, and the painted frieze.

"A stupendous portrait by Velazquez." "I warn you that I know nothing about pictures." "Nobody does," Cortes declared roundly. "Everybody says what he thinks." "Is the gallery near here?" "Yes, just a step." In company with Cortes and the German with the green hat with the cock's feather, Caesar went to the Piazza del Collegio Romano, where the Doria palace is.