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But an Irish officer of dragoons, who was sitting by my side, very coolly answered, that as coachee had got into the scrape he might get out of it again and be d d.

Wagons and carriages began to multiply and to replace saddle-bags and pillions, yet as late as 1815 Litchfield town had only "one phaeton, one coachee, and forty-six two-wheeled pleasure-wagons." Towns continued to commend and encourage good public schools. Every town or parish of seventy families had to keep school eleven months of the year, and those of less population for at least six months.

They are out again and up; coachee the last, gathering the reins into his hands and talking to Jem the hostler about the mare's shoulder, and then swinging himself up on to the box the horses dashing off in a canter before he falls into his seat.

"Every boy will know it before you show yourself; and you will never hear the last of it, I can tell you." "Your usher!" exclaimed Hugh, bewildered. "Yes, our usher. That was he on the box, beside coachee. Did not you find out that much in all these eight-and-twenty miles?" "How should I? He never told me."

They'll knock us off the coach. 'Damme, coachee, says young my lord, 'you ain't afraid. Hoora, boys! let 'em have it. 'Hoora! sings out the others, and fill their mouths choke-full of peas to last the whole line. Bob, seeing as 'twas to come, knocks his hat over his eyes, hollers to his osses, and shakes 'em up; and away we goes up to the line on 'em, twenty miles an hour.

By way of assisting meditation, he had even gone the length of taking out his flint and steel and tinder, and hammering away for a quarter of an hour till he had manufactured a light for a long Trichinopoli cheroot, which he silently puffed, to the no small wonder of coachee, who was an old friend, and an institution on the Bath road, and who always expected a talk on the prospects and doings, agricultural and social, of the whole country, when he carried the Squire.

It gives a circulation to the blood, an activity to the mind, and a spring to the spirits. Washington, December 27, 1803. Indeed, indeed, my dear little Theodosia, I will write to you very soon. Don't scold and pout so, and I will tell you how I visited Annapolis, and how I returned about an hour ago. All that, however, may be told in half a line. I went and returned in my own little coachee.

We therefore asked no questions, but waited patiently for information. Delay pays demurrage to the wisely patient. Coachee relapsed into the sulks. The driving rain resolved itself into a dim chaos of mist. Xanthus and Balius plodded on, but often paused and gasped, or, turning their heads as if they missed something, strayed from the track and drew us against the dripping bushes.

It is an exclamatory grunt, which may be partially expressed by the letters "a-e-ugh." Everybody shouts it, mule-driver, "coachee," or cattle-driver; and even I, a passenger, fancied I could do it to disagreeable perfection after a time. Out of this throng in the streets I like to select the meek, patient, diminutive little donkeys, with enormous panniers that almost hide them.

It gives a circulation to the blood, an activity to the mind, and a spring to the spirits. Washington, December 27, 1803. Indeed, indeed, my dear little Theodosia, I will write to you very soon. Don't scold and pout so, and I will tell you how I visited Annapolis, and how I returned about an hour ago. All that, however, may be told in half a line. I went and returned in my own little coachee.