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A fellow-creature near me whom I only know to BE a fellow-creature, because of his umbrella: without which he might be a dark bit of cliff, pier, or bulkbead clutches that instrument with a desperate grasp, that will not relax until he lands at Calais. Is there any analogy, in certain constitutions, between keeping an umbrella up, and keeping the spirits up?

'Twas near dusk on the second day, when he came out upon the wooded heights that looked coldly down upon the Hudson a few miles above the spot opposite the town of New York. He looked across the river and Southeastward, knowing that beyond the low hills and the woods lay the town, and that in the town was Margaret. Then he rode back from the crest of the cliff till he came to the head of a ravine.

Antony, the good father took the road which would lead him to Devil's Cliff, fearful of arriving too late, and also of encountering on the way De Chemerant, whom he could with difficulty hope to head off.

Then follows the highest of the falls, the Toppöfallet, forty-four feet in height, which is likewise divided by a cliff into two parts, against which the frantic waters chafe angrily.

Uncle Dave says they have several freaks over there." "Uncle Dave is a little prejudiced, I think. You know all the over-harbor people who come to the Glen Church seem very nice. Oh, Gilbert, isn't this beautiful?" The Four Winds light was built on a spur of red sand-stone cliff jutting out into the gulf.

That number, ye kings, hath become full. I shall now slay him in your presence, ye monarchs. Having said this, the chief of the Yadus, that slayer of all foes, in anger, instantly cut off the head of the ruler of Chedi by means of his discus. And the mighty-armed one fell down like a cliff struck with thunder.

Fearlessly he guided the yawl close round by the high cliff the westernmost point of Europe but with the sunset the wind had dropped and the sails hung loosely, while the broad bows glided onwards with no sound of parted water. The long Atlantic roll was swinging lazily in, and the yawl rose to it sleepily, with a long, slow movement.

On my left, as I sat with my back agin the cliff, a wall o' rock ran out straight, closin' off the pocket to that side clean an' sharp, though with a leetle kind of a roughness, so to speak nothin' more than a roughness which I calculated might do, on a pinch, fer me to hang on to if I wanted to try to climb round to the other side.

When at sea we had a constant succession of gales, and the current was against us: we drifted to 57 degrees 23' south. The surf was breaking fearfully on the coast, and the spray was carried over a cliff estimated at 200 feet in height.

No sooner had I begun my tale than they both perceived that it must neither be flurried nor interrupted, least of all should it be overheard. "Come into my lock-up," cried the Major; "or, better still, let us go out of doors. We can sit in my snuggery on the cliff, with only gulls and jackdaws to listen, and mount my telescope and hoist my flag, and the men know better than to skulk their work.