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Doctor Dave, who had a forty years' feud with the over-harbor people, laughed and subsided. "Who lives in that brilliant emerald house about half a mile up the road?" asked Gilbert. Captain Jim smiled delightedly. "Miss Cornelia Bryant. She'll likely be over to see you soon, seeing you're Presbyterians. If you were Methodists she wouldn't come at all. Cornelia has a holy horror of Methodists."

"No, I didn't," said Anne, stifling her laughter, lest the retreating enigma should hear here. "Who in the world can he be?" "I don't know; but if Captain Jim keeps apparitions like that down at this Point I'm going to carry cold iron in my pocket when I come here. He wasn't a sailor, or one might pardon his eccentricity of appearance; he must belong to the over-harbor clans.

She laughs and jokes like a girl, and from her talk I gather she's here real often." "Every day or else I'm over there," said Anne. "I don't know what I'd do without Leslie, especially just now when Gilbert is so busy. He's hardly ever home except for a few hours in the wee sma's. He's really working himself to death. So many of the over-harbor people send for him now."

Out on that shining tide his spirit drifted, over the sunrise sea of pearl and silver, to the haven where lost Margaret waited, beyond the storms and calms. Captain Jim was buried in the little over-harbor graveyard, very near to the spot where the wee white lady slept.

Uncle Dave says they have several freaks over there." "Uncle Dave is a little prejudiced, I think. You know all the over-harbor people who come to the Glen Church seem very nice. Oh, Gilbert, isn't this beautiful?" The Four Winds light was built on a spur of red sand-stone cliff jutting out into the gulf.